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Friday, 24 August 2012

Different Reactions to Trouble

Trouble comes in many forms, but different personality types and different environments of origin determine how different people respond to it. For example, when one young adult messes up, they tend to try to correct the fault and face the music, while another may believe that all is lost and that they have to get out while the getting’s good. In other words, some interpret the information correctly and some distort the information, engaging in overkill. Some take the problem in stride, while others way overreact.

You cannot choose, or even know about, different backgrounds from which your employees have come. They will all react to trouble in completely different ways, some more helpful or constructive than others. In times like these, your employees need a leader. They need someone who will set an example and guide them on the straight and narrow path toward acceptable reactions. This is the time for things like drug and alcohol screening. Drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices set a precedent for what is expected from all of your hard working employees. They now have a solid concept of what is expected and what will not be tolerated.

Reactions to trouble are not the only reactions which will cause problems for your business. Many employees will react to the drug testing program itself, looking for a way out, refusing to take drug tests, and looking for a way to be an exception to the rule. It is important to be able to discern between an emotional reaction based upon their individual past, and a con game or manipulation which they may try to use to get out of something. If all else fails, and there seems to be a problem in the workplace or on the jobsite, drug and alcohol testing is the solution. Try out Lion SD 400, our Oraline drug test, and our Medix equipment for your employee drug test and alcohol breathalyser tests. CMM Technology exists to provide this equipment to drug testing operations, and workplaces, and onsite testing services

Determination and Strength of Stability

As with cigarette lighters, very few of us take determination seriously. We use what we need and then we throw the rest away. It is no big deal. However, determination used to be considered a virtue and it was written about in books of character not sixty years ago. What changed and why is determination no longer concentrated on as a basis of strength and stability?

At some point, the lifestyle of first world countries became so transparent and easy to navigate that, without using any perseverance, determination, or internal strength, one can live a fairly comfortable life without being subjected to too many bad or unsavory characters. While the quality of living has increased enormously, the effort taken to increase that quality of living has become almost zero.

Stability, while almost inherit in most parts of our society, filling up the spaces in between the buildings, is no longer valued or concentrated upon in private lives by individual forethought. Stability is not valued, much as determination is not valued. The result is an undefined amount of leisure and relative safety, without personal stability or effort being put into increase or betterment of lifestyle. In fact, one can almost appreciate the peasant classes and rich, well educated, and well to do classes of less than a century ago, because at least then one had something to strive for. At this point in time, our comfortable and luxurious society in general has created starvation and danger in individual choices.

To return to a life of seeking value and increasing one’s own resources dramatically, it is necessary to value and properly take care of and maintain the resources we already have. After all, the habit must be rebuilt. Workplace drug testing and alcohol testing is valuable in the stability and the increase of net worth of your business. Employee drug and alcohol testing is a purposeful effort in maintaining and growing our resources. That is why CMM Technology is in business today. We want to regain the growth of yore.

Deny Yourself Nothing

There is a myth perpetuated in today’s media, and it is one that causes a lot of damage when it comes to personal decisions. The myth is that everyone is inherently selfish and that this is a vice and that everyone should try their hardest to fight against this selfishness and denounce it at every turn. Research has shown that humans are actually not that selfish, and that we are very self interested, which is not the same thing, at all. Self interest means that you recognize that your own needs and concerns must take priority over those of others if you are to even have any resources to give. Unfortunately, selfishness and the hatred thereof has so permeated our society that often individuals are taught to give whatever they have, even if it is not enough for themselves.

This is a problem because, in order for society to grow and survive, the differentiation between selfishness and self interest must be recognized.
Often, someone who is living in the slums or on the edge of a slum society will vehemently describe how what they are doing is best because they are not going to take any problems from anyone. The fact that they even have the need to validate their own basic self interest shows us just how far the disease of selfishness-condemnation has really gone.

We cannot function as a society if we do not first recognise that our own needs must be met before we can begin to help others with their needs. In order to forgive others, we must first actively and consciously forgive ourselves. In order to love another, we must first learn how to love ourselves and actively and consciously show ourselves this love on a daily basis. In order to employ responsible safe employees, we must first learn how to make our business safe on its own, through the steady and applied use of employee drug and alcohol screening.

CMM Technology believes in taking care of our own company, and then taking care of yours. Our drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices are top of the line and available for your purchase and use at any time.

Defining Friends for this Stage of Your Life

At any stage in your life, you need good food, good shelter, and good friends. However, you will find as you grow older that you change your friends, seemingly accidentally, but in fact this happens on purpose. As you grow and change and add onto your previous self, you change your companions to match and support and compliment your new self. At any point in your life, simply changing your friends that you see and visit with on a regular basis will change your attitudes about various things and your regular habits. However, the change in your tends to happen first, because changing your friends first can really be painful and stressful.

Wealth studies indicate that the average income of your five closest friends determines your income pretty closely. Wealth acquisition and maintenance seminars urge you to change your friends to a higher income, because then you will begin to think like them and behave like them, mimicking their wealth creating habits. While this process can be extremely effective and life changing, it also requires identifying and addressing habits within yourself with which you may have become very comfortable.

A middle ground can perhaps be found for those who do not crave turning their life upside down and embarking on all new adventures. In this scenario, perhaps it would be best to instead shoot for friends in a category slightly above yours, gradually making your life, lifestyle and income equal to theirs. After this, you can become comfortable (in other words, well habituated) with this income, before moving on to friends in a slightly higher category. This takes a lot more time, and it slows down the required adjustment time to a level that is perhaps easier to maintain for those who are not adept at taking on whole new changes in a drastic fashion. It also solidifies habits a great deal.

CMM Technology provides drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices for those of you who require it in your businesses. Employee drug and alcohol testing is a further way to maintain newly settled habits, and to protect your company assets.