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Showing posts with label Urine Drug Test. Show all posts

Friday, 24 August 2012

Different Reactions to Trouble

Trouble comes in many forms, but different personality types and different environments of origin determine how different people respond to it. For example, when one young adult messes up, they tend to try to correct the fault and face the music, while another may believe that all is lost and that they have to get out while the getting’s good. In other words, some interpret the information correctly and some distort the information, engaging in overkill. Some take the problem in stride, while others way overreact.

You cannot choose, or even know about, different backgrounds from which your employees have come. They will all react to trouble in completely different ways, some more helpful or constructive than others. In times like these, your employees need a leader. They need someone who will set an example and guide them on the straight and narrow path toward acceptable reactions. This is the time for things like drug and alcohol screening. Drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices set a precedent for what is expected from all of your hard working employees. They now have a solid concept of what is expected and what will not be tolerated.

Reactions to trouble are not the only reactions which will cause problems for your business. Many employees will react to the drug testing program itself, looking for a way out, refusing to take drug tests, and looking for a way to be an exception to the rule. It is important to be able to discern between an emotional reaction based upon their individual past, and a con game or manipulation which they may try to use to get out of something. If all else fails, and there seems to be a problem in the workplace or on the jobsite, drug and alcohol testing is the solution. Try out Lion SD 400, our Oraline drug test, and our Medix equipment for your employee drug test and alcohol breathalyser tests. CMM Technology exists to provide this equipment to drug testing operations, and workplaces, and onsite testing services

Deny Yourself Nothing

There is a myth perpetuated in today’s media, and it is one that causes a lot of damage when it comes to personal decisions. The myth is that everyone is inherently selfish and that this is a vice and that everyone should try their hardest to fight against this selfishness and denounce it at every turn. Research has shown that humans are actually not that selfish, and that we are very self interested, which is not the same thing, at all. Self interest means that you recognize that your own needs and concerns must take priority over those of others if you are to even have any resources to give. Unfortunately, selfishness and the hatred thereof has so permeated our society that often individuals are taught to give whatever they have, even if it is not enough for themselves.

This is a problem because, in order for society to grow and survive, the differentiation between selfishness and self interest must be recognized.
Often, someone who is living in the slums or on the edge of a slum society will vehemently describe how what they are doing is best because they are not going to take any problems from anyone. The fact that they even have the need to validate their own basic self interest shows us just how far the disease of selfishness-condemnation has really gone.

We cannot function as a society if we do not first recognise that our own needs must be met before we can begin to help others with their needs. In order to forgive others, we must first actively and consciously forgive ourselves. In order to love another, we must first learn how to love ourselves and actively and consciously show ourselves this love on a daily basis. In order to employ responsible safe employees, we must first learn how to make our business safe on its own, through the steady and applied use of employee drug and alcohol screening.

CMM Technology believes in taking care of our own company, and then taking care of yours. Our drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices are top of the line and available for your purchase and use at any time.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Drug and Alcohol Testing and the Weather

The weather has a lot to do with our mood and how we hold up during confrontation or stress of any kind. Neurobiologists have found that serotonin and dopamine, the exciters, endorphins and feel-good, calm-down indicators of our moods are both highly increased during warm, pleasant sunny weather. In fact, as long as it is not unreasonably hot, warm weather is one of the most ideal conditions by which humans measure their good mood throughout the day. Sunshine has been proven scientifically as absolutely necessary to the reproduction of cells, and this includes all types of cells, including stem cells. This means that, the more sunshine you receive during the day, the more likely you are to be reproducing healthy cells.
Now, sunshine is not liked by everyone. There are some people who prefer cold weather or rainy conditions, and these people are more likely to become unreasonably hot during pleasantly warm conditions. This could be due to several things, including but not limited to overactive thyroid or parathyroid, inflamed muscles or tissues, or being overweight and overheating easily. People who overheat easily tend to be somewhat immune to cold weather and feel more active and social during cold weather when their bodies are operating under prime temperatures. However, the majority of people do better in warm balmy sunny weather, and this is generally due to the sunshine and fresh air they receive in abundance when they spend a great deal of time outside. It is not so much about their preferred weather conditions, as it is about the chemical and serotonin production within their minds and muscles.
Workplace drug testing improves personal responsibility, which helps to create similar feelings of endorphins, much like the ones we experience when exposed to warm direct sunlight. Employee drug and alcohol testing improves personal accountability for actions on the jobsite, which in turn improves feelings of self confidence and accomplishment. These feelings of accomplishment are important for internal motivation on the jobsite. Internal motivation is one of the highest qualities an employee can possess. Employee drug testing is a huge benefit in the workplace, both directly and indirectly. 

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Choice Theory and the Workplace

This article is based upon Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom by Dr. William Glasser. It is an excellent read and is highly recommended for both business owners and individuals suffering from emotional blocks in their personal lives.
The basis for Dr. Glasser’s psychology is personal choice and the fact that we choose everything in our lives, with no exception. He discusses each of our varying needs for power, freedom, love and bonding, stability, and fun. He also discusses how our emotions are active choices, not passive occurrences which happen to us. Someone or something does not make us angry, we choose to anger. Circumstances are not frustrating, we choose to frustrate. Dr. Glasser states that defining these terms honestly, in active tense, is instrumental in learning that we choose everything that we feel, believe and act upon and that these personal choices can make or break us, but that they are our choices, not somebody else’s.
Let us practice some of these actively stated emotions with respect to the workplace environment. One of your employees keeps coming in late and you actively choose to frustrate over this. Your quarterly earnings do not meet the projected rates and now you choose to worry. Your marriage is on the rocks and you hate being away from home, so you choose to dissociate and not concentrate on the job at hand. Your life is not how you wanted it to be, and yet you specifically and purposely chose every single thing which led up to your current level of angering.
In addition to changing the realistic description of your emotions so that you recognize how in control you really are, Dr. Glasser also recommends that you think about all of the relationships in your life, romantic, familial and professional. Before you react to someone’s behavior, ask yourself one question, “Will my behavior draw me closer to this person or push me further away from them?” Dr. Glasser describes how attempting to control someone will push them further away and how giving them personal freedom of choice will draw them closer to you. There is a myth that marriage vows and senior executive positions safeguard you from consequences for your actions. Many individuals believe that their marriage gives them room to behave in an inappropriate manner or that their job status gives them security. However, relationships are simply points in space, and both individuals have to show up every day in order to continue having that relationship. There are no invisible bonds keeping either party somehow tied to the other. Even after twenty years of marriage, the decision to show up every day has to be active and mutual.
Threats, cajoling, excuses, downsizing irresponsible behavior, lack of responsibility and abusive attitudes all actively work to threaten your company and your relationship with your company employees. Good management will override the need for less professional behavior. Drug and alcohol testing will strengthen the relationships with your employees and create a positive working environment. 

Monday, 2 May 2011

High Quality Drug and Alcohol Testing and Monitoring in the Aviation Industry: An Imperative

Drug and alcohol use and misuse in industry is frequently hidden, unidentified and unreported. The aviation industry is “no different, and it has been estimated that alcohol abuse and dependence affects approximately 5-8% of all pilots, similar to the proportions in other professional occupations such as law and medicine.” In view of this fact and the findings of the Hamilton Island accident involving six fatalities, mandatory testing was introduced in Australia in 2007. It is therefore imperative a stringent approach to drug and alcohol testing in the aviation industry is affected, and thoroughly and properly maintained.
CMM Technology produces both quality testing equipment in line with Australian standards and also offers a leading consulting service in the area of policy development and program recommendations for testing practices. While drug and alcohol testing and consulting cannot be viewed as stand-alone cure-alls, they must be regarded as an intrinsic component of a thorough, multi-faceted, responsible and cost-effective drug and alcohol risk management approach.  This view is further backed by the Review into Safety Benefits of Introducing Drug and Alcohol Testing for Safety Sensitive Personnel in the Aviation Sector, 2006. A broad range of views were received with regard to available drug testing options for the report, with supporters arguing it is imperative that any drug and alcohol testing regime included both random and regular options. The types of testing to be considered were: pre-employment, for reasonable cause, post incident or accident, periodic, post treatment or follow up and random.”
Furthermore, the report recommended:
·    zero tolerance testing should apply to five illicit drug groups – cocaine, marijuana, Opiates, amphetamines and phencyclidine 
·     Industry be encouraged to implement testing as part of a broader response to drug and
Alcohol use in safety-sensitive roles – including better employee education, encouragement of staff to self-identify substance abuse problems and employee assistance programs offering the opportunity of rehabilitation and return to duty.
As Sir John Wheeler maintained in 2005, “employers and issuing authorities should have an ongoing obligation to monitor their employees and alert the central authority if any significant concerns arise at the workplace, including alcoholism or drug use.” While this is now legislated, aviation companies are better able to develop thorough testing and monitoring procedures by sourcing leading, cost-effective testing procedures and specialists such as those supplied by CMM Technology.
For further information on consulting services and cutting edge products, phone CMM Technologies on Tel: +618-9204-2500

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Does Drug Free Workplace Cleanliness Affect Overall Substance Abuse?

Drug Free Workplace

Is it really true that cleanliness is next to holiness? Well, it may not make any of us any more righteous that we were before, but it sure contributes to important issues like safety, morale and confidence.

In research performed by Michael O’Toole, he examines how employee perception of safety is crucial to an organizational culture. Companies which have limited funds available to deal with on-the-job injuries are trying to find ways in which they can organize and manage smarter, in more effective ways. It was found that injury rates were tied to the management’s commitment to safety, which in turn impacted employee perception of safety. Not only were work-related risks increased, but production decreased and efficiency decreased, which were both related to employee perception of lack of safety. These findings support the fact that management should consider drug and alcohol testing more than just company protocol, but also a part of safety procedures.

Cleanliness contributes to two measures of satisfaction: safety and aesthetic appeal. Arthur Brief and Howard Weiss state that the drug free workplace and how it appears affects the attitudes of the employees. This is not just how their mindsets are directly affected, but also how the employees think of the company itself, how it is set up and how they view the upper management. It is based partly upon aesthetic appeal, but also on spacious areas and light colors, which especially affect mood during the winter months and when the employee works long hours.

Brief and Weiss also discuss how influences in the workplace drug test are two-sided. Not only does the organizational structure affect the moods of the employees, but employees’ moods also affect the company. Therefore, it is vital to maintain excellent management-staff relations, not only for the sake of the staff, but also for the sake of everyone. Reactions, disbursement, temperaments, feelings of well-being, and creativity are all a part of the company atmosphere and organizational standard.

Substance abuse testing and cleanliness are one and the same. They each contribute to the internal health of the organization. Any company cannot base their success solely upon revenue. People (both staff and customers), creativity, innovation, acceptance and bonding, workplace environments, and healthy communication are all factors in a strong organization.

Devote time and energy to drug and alcohol testing, as well as to cleanliness. They are interrelated and both provide useful services to your business. Call CMM Technology for drug and alcohol testing equipment today: +618-9204-2500.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Debunking Common Drug Testing Myths

It seems that as each day passes, a new myth is born about how a person can pass or fail a drug test. Not only are many of these myths completely untrue, but some of the more popular ones are actually dangerous. Obviously, the most effective way to pass a drug test is not to take drugs and the methods of cheating the system that are to follow are about as ridiculous as they come. From drinking an excessive amount of certain fluids to overdosing on over the counter medications, be wary of the many attempts that people will make to hide the fact that they are doing drugs.

Marijuana is the most common drug that people will try to cover up in a drug test, and due to the fact that THC attaches itself to fat cells, it is virtually impossible to disguise the presence of THC in a urine sample. A common myth is that drinking an excessive amount of water will help flush the THC out of a person’s system. In reality however, all that drinking a lot of water will do is dilute the test and allude to the fact that the person is trying to cheat the system. Vinegar and pickle juice yield the same result as water while dehydrating the person’s body in the process.

An extremely dangerous method of passing pre screening recently is to take an overdose of aspirin. Overdosing on aspirin will not help anyone pass a drug test and it can actually cause kidney and liver failure if the overdose is severe. Other myths have circulated that taking ibuprofen will result in a positive drug test result. The moral of the story is that over the counter pain medications don’t influence urine or saliva drug test in any way.

Finally, be very wary of the cleansing systems that are advertised on the internet. These systems are advertised to flush all of the toxins out of a person’s system and, as a result, clear the urine of all traces of drugs. However, THC metabolite stays in our fat cells and will continue to come out in our urine for anywhere between days to months. Cleansing systems may be very good for cleaning out our digestive tracts, but they are no way to pass a drug test.

Lastly, urine and saliva drug tests will pick up any trace of drug metabolite in a person’s system. However, to test positive for drugs, an individual must exceed a cutoff point that eliminates the possibility of having contact with a drug through a friend or family member. For this reason, common fears that coming in contact with marijuana smoke will cause a positive drug test result are unfounded.

If you have any more questions about the accuracy of drug testing or to find out more about CMM Technology’s drug testing products, please contact us at +618-9204-2500 or email us .

Monday, 11 April 2011

Alcohol Testing Australia, Drug Test, Urine Drug Test

In a case study by Dr. Holland, new drug and alcohol testing procedures in the mining industry were not disputed in the mining workplace, but an incomplete evaluation program certainly was. Since drug and alcohol use (as well as abuse) could be the result of a stressful workplace environment, if regular and randomized testing was to be implemented, the inherent need for stress-free surroundings at work required more than simply submitting samples for drug test.
However, stress at work can easily be caused by under-qualified and under trained individuals, coworkers and members of management. At CMM Technology™, in addition to our drug and alcohol testing training and courses, we offer courses in Life Support, Senior First Aid, Cert IV TAA, Manual Handling, Grader, Haul Truck, Chainsaw, Loader, Excavator, and many more.
Although compliance with alcohol testing helps to make the workplace more efficient, which in turn reduces stress, self education and edification, can contribute greatly to calm, steady, peaceful working environments. Both factors are important to achieve high efficiency and to retain high quality employees.
During any type of economic instability, it may seem that training employees “just enough” to get by will at least keep your business afloat. This, however, was not true in more famous examples such as the Exxon Valdez oil tanker, where an under-trained officer ran the ship aground on well-charted Bligh Reef and the St. Francis dam collapse, where self-taught and under-qualified civil engineer, William Mulholland, built a dam above the St. Francis Quito Canyon, in order to provide water for Los Angeles residents. Mulholland was the only one in charge and both the dam and the rock upon which the dam was built were insufficient for the task. In these circumstances, companies and businesses can prevent disaster by providing adequate training, not only in work duties, but also in company and legal protocol. Protocol is set in place to avoid “what if” situations, where chain of custody or reactions to unique environments is not clearly defined.
In the above examples, a great amount of damage can be caused in a short amount of time and through improper supervising procedures. Receiving adequate training and courses such as the ones listed above can greatly reduce accidents, injury, death and loss of revenue in high-hazard work environments. Drug and alcohol testing, especially around major holidays, can reduce additional damage due to slowed reaction time, poor judgment and carelessness. Incomplete knowledge can, in some circumstances, be more dangerous than having no knowledge at all. Keep yourself and your employee’s safe by receiving the proper training and testing.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Can Drug and Alcohol Screening in Your Business Save You Money?

Drug Test Kits
Drug and alcohol testing is not always seen as entirely cost-effective. However, it is quite financially efficient. Logically speaking, employees under the influence of illicit substances have consistently lower levels of productivity. Even small areas of low productivity can significantly affect an entire organization. When one part of the business is sluggish, it slows down the remaining departments. In addition to this, better pre-employment strategies, such as drug screening, was found to save a test organization up to $162 per applicant hired among a test group of 2533 applicants, in a study by Zwerling, Ryan and Orav.[1]

In another research project, the total annual loss of productivity due to drug and alcohol abuse was estimated at $100 billion.[2] The research states that two factors have been the leading cause for using urinalysis for drug testing: the growing demand for drug testing in the workforce, and technical developments in drug testing methods, which allow for easier, more widespread and more cost effective testing. At this point, reliable, low-cost testing equipment is necessary and would prevent individual organizations from losing money on their testing programs, rather than increasing income because of them.

Employees under the influence have consistently low levels of job retention. The organization must foot the bill for high employee turnover. Not only does low job retention affect the organization as a whole, but it affects coworkers who retain steady, reliable, trustworthy employment. In a study conducted by David Parish,[3] it was determined that a minimum of 10% higher rate of employee turnover occurred in drug-positive workers than in their negatively-tested counterparts, and that drug-positive office staff were significantly more likely to be fired or to leave without notice than the managerial staff. Organizations are less likely to be able to retain high quality workers when pre-employment testing is not maintained, and office staff is more likely to have a high employee turnover rate than staff in a more professional or managerial capacity, although management also tested positive. This was to a lesser degree, but the difference in drug-positive testing between upper and lower management was not considered due to less usage, but to the lower echelon staff receiving more frequent evaluations from which they could be fired.

At CMM Technology, we offer steady, consistent alcohol and drug testing equipment and training, at an affordable and easily serviceable price. Our services will reduce the stress environment in your business, as well as remain cost-effective.

For expert assistance on a quality workplace drug testing solution, contact our team of industry professionals today on (+618) 9204 2500.
1. “JAMA — Abstract: Costs and Benefits of Preemployment Drug Screening, January 1, 1992, Zwerling et al. 267 (1): 91.” JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, a weekly peer-reviewed medical journal published by AMA. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

2. “NCJRS Abstract – National Criminal Justice Reference Service.” National Criminal Justice Reference Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

3. Parish, David C.. “Relation of the Pre-employment Drug Testing Result To Employment Status: A One-year Follow-up.” N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Monday, 28 March 2011

What’s a Saliva Drug Test?

Drug Test, Drug Testing
With the prevalence of drug and alcohol use within society, there’s been a corresponding call by occupational safety experts and businesses to address the matter in a satisfactory way. In ‘high risk’ industries such aviation, mining and construction, the call to eliminate or reduce risks caused by intoxication or drug induced impairment is a very real health and safety concern of critical importance. To date, the most effective method (from both a deterrent and detection standpoint) is the workplace drug and alcohol testing program.
In many workplaces throughout the world, the traditional method for drug and alcohol testing consists of urine testing. However, with the advent of state-of-the-art technology and a more educative as opposed to punitive approach towards breaches of workplace protocol, less invasive methods of detection have increased in use: one such method being the saliva drug test.

The saliva drug test (also called an oral fluid or a mouth swab test), is an increasingly popular method of detection by many Unions and employees. A commonly cited reason for its preferred status is that its limited detection window (which only extends to very recent drug use), contrasts with traditional urine drug test which can detect a history of drug use that reaches back for many weeks or even months in the case of cannabis. Another reason for the popularity of this methodology, is due to the simplicity of this new technology and to the much simpler, more cost-effective and comparatively easy to deploy method of implementation: as no advanced medical knowledge or urine testing units are required to collect samples, most staff can, in fact, competently manage their workplace drug test program without a nursing or medical qualification. However, most countries do require that authorised collectors receive accredited training.
Overall, some of the key advantages of the saliva drug test (to traditional forms of drug and alcohol detection methods) include:
  • Simple application
  • Procedures are less disruptive for normative workplace operations
  • Screening results are obtained within minutes
  • ‘Down time’ for employees is minimised
  • Less resistance by unions and employees on the grounds of privacy invasion and intrusive detection methodology
  • Only recent drug use or exposure is identified
  • Cost-effective testing method
  • Collection process is observed from start to finish: this prevents sample collections being tampered, diluted, substituted or adulterated
  • Testing process can be conducted wherever necessary: from remote work sites to other places of employment, thereby causing minimal disruption to workplace business
  • In most countries, the process is fully supported by laboratory confirmation of ‘presumptive positive’ results. In this way, employees are not required to provide additional samples for analysis.
For more information about the workplace saliva test, contact CMM Technology™ today on (+618) 9204 2500 or visit As a leading drug and alcohol testing supplier and professional service provider, they’re your first choice industry expert. Providing a comprehensive selection of quality saliva testing technology, you can be confident in receiving only the best available technology. Moreover, CMM Technology’s professional services (such as consultation, accredited training, online product training) provide additional expert support.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Lion AlcoBlow® – a fully portable, handheld professional breathalyser

Lion AlcoBlow
An effective method for monitoring your workforce’s alcohol intake is by utilising alcohol detection technology. At CMM Technology, we offer a wide variety of alcohol testing products which can accurately determine the level of alcohol in the human breath.
One of most advanced and simple to use, state-of-the-art, digital handheld breathalysers, is the Lion AlcoBlow. This fully portable, handheld professional breathalsyer is recommended for use by authorised collectors and security personnel in the workplace. Other industry applications suitable for this unit include: mining; correction facilities; and education establishments.

What makes this device a sensible and practical choice for your workplace drug and alcohol testing program is its simple operation features and lightweight design. Consequently, training requirements are minimal and the Lion AlcoBlow can be operated at multiple sites as necessary. The Lion AlcoBlow can also be used as an alternative or in addition to fixed breathalyzer wall units that are held at one site.

Another good reason why the Lion AlcoBlow is a popular choice for most businesses and organisations is that each test is performed at a low cost. For example, unlike conventional alcohol breath testing instruments, the Lion AlcoBlow makes no physical contact with the subject. This means there are no disposable mouthpieces (which are an additional cost consideration for comparable units).

Listed below are additional key product features which make the Lion AlcoBlow breathalyser unit an excellent choice for your workplace drug and alcohol testing program, including:

• Easy functions: two button control to enable easy operation and readings.

• Fast readings: to enable the collector/supervisor to determine whether a driver or employee has ingested any alcohol in his or her body – literally, within seconds.

• Accurate analysis: the Lion fuel cell sensor ensures high specificity to alcohol.

• Durability: the unit has a long, stable working life.

• Easy to read display: the subject’s alcohol level is shown on a single LED.

• Meets AS3547 Australian Standard.

Alternatively, you can contact the expert CMM Technology Team to further discuss your needs and our other breathlayser ranges on (+618) 9204 2500.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Drug Test Kits

Alcohol Test
At CMM Technology, we offer one of Australia’s largest ranges of workplace drug and alcohol testing equipment. Our comprehensive services and products cater for all industry sectors, including: mining, transport, aviation, engineering, maritime, construction and many others. We also provide quality products, training and policy consulting and advice engineered for the Australian market and to Australian Standards. This helps our clients achieve a far safer workplace, exercise their duty of care and meet their OHS legal compliance obligations. The importance of these objectives is reaffirmed by the following statistics:

According to Work Safe Australia, the latest published estimate for compensated workplace injuries (i.e. serious claims category) totaled 134,105 during 2006-07. In the same financial period, a tragically high figure of 232 compensated workplace fatalities were recorded in Australia.

The ABS published an even greater workplace incidents total of 457, 603 recorded for 2005-2006.

Aside from the primary focus of creating Drug Free Workplace, a secondary benefit realised when instituting CMM Technology’s risk management systems are cost savings. Essentially, by minimising workplace injures, your business can save on their insurance premiums and other related costs. In fact, workers compensation (in addition to employee salaries) is one of the biggest workplace-related costs for Australian employers. For example:

Approximately $6.3 billion was paid to workers compensation schemes during 2007-08.

The Federal Government estimated the cost of work-related injury and disease to workers, their employer, the community and the Australian economy amounted to $57.5 billion during 2005-2006 (equivalent to 5.9 per cent gross domestic product).

With these sobering statistics in mind, it is vital that managers, OHS professionals and business owners approach health and safety issues proactively and consistently. Our helpful and knowledgeable staff can assist you with deciding what instruments and Alcohol Test services are conducive to making your workplace safer, more efficient and more profitable.

With our team of experts and professional assistance, your business can greatly improve its risk management processes, cultivate a culture of compliance and elevate individual performance all vital elements to forging a strong competitive advantage for your business.