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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Control Temperament

Temperament is a person’s inherent nature regarding themselves and the world. It is not so much their personality as their more primal nature. It depicts who they are underneath their public persona and underneath the attitude which they show in their private lives.

Controlling temperament in your employees is really important for one reason. Underneath the professional veneer, there are many different types of temperaments and people are not always what they seem to be. It is this exact fact which has led many scientists to try studying humans on a bit more of a statistical basis. If humans can be broken down into a complex system of various predictable patterns, then surely behavior can be predicted and many employees can be vetted by simply having them take a test.

Of course, this is not entirely possible to do with our current technology. The vast mix of humans and behaviors and histories and patterns give this task such an impossible goal, and whoever is implementing the tests such a degree of arrogance over his or her fellow man, that simpler means are necessary.
This is why employee drug testing is so popular today. It is used over and over again by various companies to deduce who is abusing drugs and alcohol in the workplace and who is clean. This, after all, can be scientifically deduced, as opposed to the crazy personality quiz given above.

CMM Technology provides the drug test equipment and personal breathalyzer devices to accomplish such lofty goals. In fact, our whole purpose is to make business in Australia more efficient and more effective. How can you do business when such specific, yet dangerous, questions about your employees are left open ended? You must have this data. You must be able to control the temperament, if not the personality, of all of your employees. To this end, we have even designed drug test kits which have built adulterant tests to check for cheating. Our oral fluid drug test is especially popular, since it does not involve going to the toilets to conduct the test. To find out more about our urine drug test, too, call CMM Technology today.

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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Assurance against Adulterants

Adulterants are effects which can mess up a smoothly running system, like urine drug tests. Working with adulterants can help any person understand the effect that they can have upon this smoothly operating system. Thankfully, CMM Technology provides urine drug tests which are able to detect adulterants, which is not something which every drug test can do. Sometimes, companies give a certain limit on the number of times which employees can abuse drugs, but in Australia, under the ‘Duty of Care’ laws, businesses are responsible for employees who become intoxicated or high while on the job and then cause an accident, even if it is right after leaving work. At this point, the business must spend time and money to insure that employees who are under the influence are driven home.

Talk about a costly decision, one way or the other. You must find a replacement, but the employee in question has already replaced themselves with someone who will take their own job seriously.

It is this attention to detail which defines a great company. Your employees must be fit for duty. Alcohol tests define a certain necessary parameter on the abuse of AOD, alcohol and other drugs. Something like a breathalyser test can be really handy for a company, and we at CMM Technology also provide a breathalyser recalibration service. Urine drug test is popular, though saliva drug tests are becoming increasingly popular. Screening tests must have a certain amount of validity, not only with the tests but with the company distributing these tests, and that is why we are so proud of our reputation. Try our ToxSure saliva drug test if you are looking for some high quality saliva drug test options. It is important to remember that we at CMM Technology only distribute the best equipment to companies, and we want to make sure that you are using our equipment, and not someone else’s inferior drug test equipment. For more information about ordering from us, call us today. 

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