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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Management Styles and Free Choice

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
We all have different management styles and we all manage different things. However, all of these styles and components can essentially be categorized into three different categories. For example, if you are easy going and go with the flow, then you interact with your people or circumstances, but keep the relationship balanced. If, however, you are a bit of a control freak, then you probably find yourself being more influential on your environment than your environment is on you!

When that happens, remember that everyone falls into one of these three areas.

First, we have the controller. This person often feels out of control of a situation, and so they exert almost an unreasonable amount of dictation over other people and they heavily control their surroundings.

Second, we have the engager. This individual interacts with their surroundings, but keeps the balance pretty equal between themselves and other people and outside circumstances. They are good at engaging with people and they are good at interacting with their environment. These are usually the most gregarious people, and they are usually pretty popular, too.

Third, and last, we have the non-committer. This person is so against interacting with their environment and against having any sort of responsibility toward other people that they are usually the most independent and the least able to get close to people out of the group. Because they keep such distance between themselves and other people, they often come across as the most professional. But because this attitude goes pretty deep within them, people who want to become closer friends or to date them often find this to be impossible.

CMM Technology recognizes that, in reality, it is all about free choice. Anyone can abuse anything and anyone else, but it has to be the free choice of both parties, and they have to take responsibility for their substance abuse. Drug test equipment will help you know who this applies to and who it doesn’t apply to. We provide urine drug test, alcohol breathalyser devices, and saliva drug test, along with our breathalyser recalibration service. To place an order with us, or to find out more about our products.

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Friday, 16 May 2014

Happily Ever After, Right?

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
We all go through changes throughout our lives, changes which affect the kind of people we are and which affect our mental habit loops. If you recall getting married in the beginning, you probably expected to be the same person you were then, for the rest of your life. You probably saw yourself then as the model for your future self.

However, that is not very realistic, is it? You see, when you get married, your whole world changes and you become a different person purely by the act of being one with and living closely with someone else. You change. You grow. You evolve. But, it is very important to note, that change can be good and bad.

When you began your business or began working for your business, you had a goal in mind. You had a mission to accomplish. You were going to make a company that reflected you as a person. It reflected your dreams, your goals, and your mission in life. This business was to take everything that could be produced within your company, make them as high quality as possible, make enough of them to satisfy market demand, and sell your products or services to as many people as possible.

But, I’m betting that you changed as a person, too, right? You probably underwent a major growth cycle, learned a lot that you didn’t know before, and became better grounded in who you are as a person and what kind of company you wanted to create and maintain.

Well, in business, you have to make sure that you can rely upon your employees just as much as you rely upon yourself. This necessitates the use of employee drug testing on a regular basis. This means that you need good drug test kits and breathalyser devices! Well, CMM Technology has everything you need in one website, complete with NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration. We provide you with all kinds of drug tests and alcohol test, and we really hope to change your business for the better.

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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Being on the Wrong Side of the Law

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
It has often been said, especially fifty years ago, that “once you go bad, you can never go back.” This statement arose as a conscientious acknowledgment of the fact that once people are on the wrong side of the law, they don’t often feel as if they can just erase their past by continuous good behavior. In other words, they think that one bad deed defines which side of the track they should live on, and that many multiple good deeds may or may not even make a difference to their record.

It is this mentality of always being bad and never being good enough which has kept many people in the criminal game for many years. What would you do if you knew that you had all of the power in the world and could do anything you wanted, both good and bad? Chances are, you’d happily settle for peace, contentment, strong family relationships, and having enough to eat every day. But, this is not the mentality that people in poverty or first or second time criminals possess. Rather, they believe that somehow they have crossed over an invisible line which then rises up and acts as a barrier to going back to the other side, the good side.

Of course, logically speaking, this is nonsense, but people are not logical, nor are they rational. Mental habits are something very powerful and we always act in accordance with our established mental habits. In fact, if anything seems to be threatening a habit of ours, we are more likely to pick the lesser option, but the option which most coincides with our habitual process.

This is what happens when employees bring drugs or alcohol to the workplace, even if they just show up drunk or high. They are breeding a different mental habit among the working population. They are breeding the habit of fear and loss and emptiness. Make sure your own workers are not “misbehaving” in this way. Use high quality drug test equipment from CMM Technology to get the scientific truth from them, and make sure that you also have your alcohol breathalyser devices recalibrated with our NATA accredited recalibrations services. 

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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Beauty and Surprise

Beauty is such an elusive thing. You have to be in the right mood before the ugliest thing in the world will appear beautiful to you, and if you are in the wrong mood, then even exceptionally beautiful objects or people can seem to be plain and unsatisfying to you.

Beauty is subjective. No one agrees upon what is beautiful, though many studies have been made into fine art, the human body, landscapes, brilliantly colored sunsets, and metallic abstractions. These studies seek to find a “universal beauty” in both art and sculpture, in both music and dance.

When we are surprised by art or music in a pleasant way, it is often wondered, deep within ourselves, why we didn’t think of it before. It is as if you are actually remembering the piece of music or the painting from a long, long time ago, rather than experiencing for the first time. It is as if your soul has already seen that piece of art or heard that music, and is just now seeing it again, after many thousands of years.

Many ancients have spoken of the fact that all art and beauty actually is within us, and that the human soul has every beautiful thing in the world inside of it. When we see this art in the physical world, we have already seen it, deep within our souls, and appreciate the perfect rendering of the original memory.

It is not good to have an unpleasant surprise when your business, coming together as a whole, takes on the form of being out of control. That happens when substance abuse enters the company environment. Workers are negatively affected by their own abuse and by the abuse of fellow workers. Therefore, you must know about these conditions. You must know if and when your employees are abusing illicit drugs or alcohol while at work. Then, you must know about the drug test equipment offered by CMM Technology. It is really important to remember our Rapid STAT saliva drug test or Lifeloc FC10 alcohol test when you are looking for high quality drug test equipment.

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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Take A Step Back

Urine drug test and saliva drug test, personal breathalyser devices, and recalibration services are all a part of keeping your business happy, healthy and well managed. Now, when you begin to work with CMM Technology, or simply place orders with us on a regular basis, you will learn that we take particular pride in our products, and that we know how important accuracy is to you.

You will also learn, in your course of drug testing and alcohol screening, that your employees have private lives away from their work, and that you do not always know what is going on with them. Their personal lives can include anything from dealing with death, to going back to college, and from dealing with a broken relationship, to dealing with new children.

Everyone has a life which may seem overwhelming to them, but we all deal with our lives in very different ways. If you take a step back, and evaluate the whole picture, rather than zeroing in on a small detail, you will be able to read patterns in your workers and in your business which will give you even more information than you have right now.

Taking a step back is, therefore, very important. If you know how to do this on a regular basis, then you can make decisions for the greater good, both for detailed situations and as part of an overall plan. Drug test equipment must be up to snuff (ours is very high quality) and you must get your equipment from a reliable source, like CMM Technology. There really is no way around it. If you want to have access to a good business which provides good drug testing kits, then check out CMM Technology and our DDS2 saliva drug test. There’s nothing more to it.

Once you have taken this first step, all you have to do is just keep your drug testing program and relax about the results you receive back. They will be quick, efficient, accurate, and helpful to your business operations. After all, everyone wants to know the kind of people with whom they work every day.

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Friday, 9 May 2014

Family vs Coworkers

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Alright, who is more important: family or coworkers? Ahh, you are thinking, this is a trick question. I’m supposed to say family, right? Well, actually, you’re supposed to say neither.

It has become a modern habit in first world countries to spend all of your time at work and then any remaining time with your family. There is no time set aside for you. There is no luxury of solitude and reflection. No time is set aside for your own explorations of the outback, hikes into the distant mountains, or shopping sprees all by your little lonesome. There is no family versus coworkers diagram to be had in this article. It is about you and the time that you have made for yourself. If you let your time be taken up by random events, then random events will happily take up all of your time, not just small parts of it! If you let fate be in charge of your world, fate will do what is in fate’s best interest, not what is in your best interest.

Fortunately, there are many activities for the wandering traveler who seeks some solitude on their own. There is quiet in nature, there is thrill in movie theaters, there is luxury in dining alone on the best food in town. In fact, if you don’t take time out for yourself, with what resources will you be blessing others? There is more than one way of starving yourself: all at once or one day at a time.
Today, we have tools like the screenings tests brought to you by CMM Technology. As a business owner, you don’t have time to get to know every single employee in your business. Also, relying upon the opinions of your managers can still be fallible. Instead, use the scientifically backed data from CMM Technology to jumpstart your data. We are NATA accredited for breathalyser calibration and we also provide alcohol test, urine drug test and oral fluid drug tests.

In other words, we fulfill every information need you have through our high quality screening tests.

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Thursday, 8 May 2014

Bright Blue Seas

drug alcohol screening nationwide
drug alcohol screening nationwide
Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption? If you have not, then it’s okay to just keep reading. If you have, though, you will remember one of the last lines spoken by Morgan Freeman’s character. “I hope the Pacific Ocean is as blue as it has been in my dreams.”

“I hope.”

The point of this movie is the ability hold onto hope which, in other people, has long since died out in order to maintain some level of mental sanity. When prisoners are institutionalized, they become so satisfied and aware of their current surroundings that they no longer hope to get out any time soon, nor do they try to change their present circumstances. The protagonist of this story, Andy, has urged Morgan Freeman’s character, Red, to never lose hope, because hope is the last thing in life. Red tries to convince Andy to forget about getting out of prison before old age, because it is just a lost cause, and that hope can drive a man mad with desire to leave, rather than giving him the acceptance he needs to live in prison sanely.

But, Andy responds by telling Red that, without hope, you might as well die. He says, in one of the most famous lines in modern movie history, “I guess it depends upon whether you’re going to get busy living or get busy dying.”

If any of you know someone who has been through the ravages of drug abuse or alcoholism, you are fully aware of what “getting busy dying” can actually look like. The lack of hope, the lack of direction or the ability to propel yourself, and the lack of contact with this person until they are better really makes the situation seem dire, and almost threatening.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug testing and alcohol screening to business all over Australia, and we are NATA accredited for our drug testing. We know that it is of vital importance to keep your business workers regularly screened for illicit substances while on the jobsite. Your business needs the hope which comes from success and good employee mentalities. Your business needs hope, like the kind that the Pacific Ocean brings to Andy and Red. We even have ISO 9001 accreditation.

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