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Friday, 30 May 2014

Wait Out the Storm

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, or when both main options available to you seem to be more negative than positive, then you might want to consider waiting out the storm and seeing what will come of the situation.

Now, if you are anything like the author, you may really find yourself wanting to do something about the problem you have. You may be one of those people who prefer action to just sitting around and letting the world happen to you, rather than you happening to the world.

Well, if you are stuck with two bad options, then the best third option may be to wait it out. Yes, you will have to resist the urge to jump in and start fixing things, much like the author has to do on a fairly regular basis, but you will succeed. As one of my friends said recently, “Eventually, someone will make a mistake in their story or a weakness in the structure will be revealed, and then you can make a decision.” That’s a pretty good point to make, and it all has to do with understanding that time tends to reveal evidence which the present may not be able to yield just yet.

Fortunately, you are in no such position when you use drug test equipment from CMM Technology. We have reliable equipment which you can count on, and that means that you can make decisions regarding your workers and their employment status (or their personal report status) which are based upon facts, and not about any potential doubt in the reliability of your screening tests. That is not a position that you should ever be in, and CMM Technology is devoted to bringing you high quality drug test kits and personal breathalyser devices, and we are even NATA accredited for our recalibration services. Now that is something to truly depend on.

Yes, there will be situations regarding your employees where the option is to let time reveal new information. However, when it comes to employee drug testing, you should be able to depend upon equipment.

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Trusting People Again

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
If you or someone close to you has ever been a victim of abuse, then you know how hard it is to begin rebuilding trust between the victim and the rest of society. It doesn’t matter how trustworthy someone is, if they are human (and most of us are), they will mess up. This will lead to further alienation of the victim, because they feel that they cannot trust anyone. This happens even after they begin to trust, because their need to trust is so high that their expectations of human nature are unrealistic.

Also, it is due to not really having enough life experience or discernment to be able to talk to people with understanding and the ability to tell different personality types from each other.

Naturally, drug testing is a solution in the workplace because it gives you the ability to tell who is abusing and when. However, this is not always the case in life. What do you do when drug test kits are not appropriate in a family environment or you cannot integrate employee drug testing in a social environment? Of course, these solutions are ridiculous in this context. Fortunately, there is still the environment of the workplace.

Fortunately, we still have employee drug testing. What could be better? A safe friendly environment where everyone is being productive and no one is at risk from someone else. That’s really saying something.

Of course, you have to decide what type of drug test kits to get. We recommend our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. Did you know that it has an adulterant built right into the test itself? That’s really efficient, and it saves money, too. Obviously, an individual who is reputable will not be trying to adulterate the screening test. There are numerous other products, too, and we hope you check them out on our website.

For more information, take a good look at everything we have, and then ask us what a business of your type and size may be most suited for. You never know when a good breathalyser device may come in handy, and we have a great recalibration service.

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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Newly Established Companies

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
When you first set up your business, you may have had to take out loans on your enterprise, you may have had to hire people who are on a payroll, and you may have had to go into debt, even by quite a bit, just in order to get your operations up and running. Newly established companies are always in a weakened position and while you may be strong enough to run and own and operate a company, you may not have enough strength to push further and further, making it over that first initial ledge of debt and difficulty in the beginning. Unless you have all of the strength left in you reserved for that task and that task alone, you may not find your successes to be as great as you would like them to be.

Newly established companies are almost one hundred percent dependent upon the internal strength and resolved of the new owner and operator. Without his or her strength, followed by the backing and efforts of their employees, the whole startup business is bound to fail.

In the E-Myth book series, Michael Gerber discusses the mistakes which entrepreneurs make in their business, and what determines how they see the world. He talks about how your original vision CAN come to life, but it may involve an enormous amount of personal growth on your part.

CMM Technology is not interested in personally pushing you to new heights of growth, the growing pains of which may force you to back out of the deal. Instead, we just want to help you improve your business to the best extent possible. We are an Australian based drug test equipment supplier, and we also provide alcohol test and NATA accredited recalibration services. It is not in our best interests to force you to do anything, but it is in our best interests to bring about a higher quality of business in which you can work. We know that you do not always know what your employees are up to. Make sure that they are not up to any illicit behavior, such as drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace. 

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Monday, 26 May 2014

Mental Concentration and Planned Release

health screening
health screening
Mental concentration is one of the best things to have when you are employed at anything, even if you are a stay at home parent or spouse. Concentration on the task at hand makes it go faster, more efficiently, and it builds up your skills and speed over time. This is why many businesses try to teach their employees how to hold their concentration on the customer or on the task at hand so that they can be effective and efficient for the business as a whole.

Unfortunately, this does not always work. Employees are known for responding well to internal motivation, rather than external reward programs. This means that not everyone will be motivated to actually take the training as well as they should. What you may have to do, instead, is to set them a good example.

First, remember that mental concentration is best done in spurts. In other words, if you can concentrate on something for forty minutes to two hours at a time, without going over that time, then you will be better able to hold and maintain your concentration next time.

Second, even though concentration is important, it must be balanced by short breaks. This is where the “planned release” part of this article title comes in. You must plan on having a break every once in a while, and you must plan on doing this all throughout the day, week, weekend, and so on. In other words, without these planned releases, you will end up driving your concentration too hard, becoming a little more out of balance over time, and sending your stress signals in your body and mind through the roof every time you DO end up taking a break.

However, there will still be employees who do not follow these procedures, and these workers may choose to release through the abuse of alcohol or drugs. Therefore, your employee drug testing program must be airtight. Make sure that your drug test equipment comes from CMM Technology, and that you are aware of all of our drug test kits and alcohol breathalyser devices. We recommend the Lifeloc FC10 plus breathalyser device. We are also NATA accredited for our recalibration service of breathalyser devices.

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Thursday, 22 May 2014

Emotional Regulation, Input and Output

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Emotional regulations help things to pass smoothly in and out of your heart, mind, and soul, so to speak. By regulating your emotions at any given time, you are building yourself stronger in your foundation, while leaving yourself flexible to move with the wind if necessary, like a tree or a skyscraper. Emotional regulation brings in helpful thoughts about what the reality of a situation is, without freaking out and going berserk if things seem way too off center. By regulating your emotions, you are able to control a great deal of the little fears, doubts, and troubles which might otherwise steal your focus from far more important things.

Input of emotional regulation involves certain things, such as books, textbooks, psychological texts, etc. which are all based around emotional intelligence. Videos showing how to effectively manage situations in the real world and among people are also extremely helpful.

Output of emotional regulation is waiting before you speak when you are angry, waiting before you speak when you are afraid, and not waiting before you speak when you are filled with love, hope, life, etc.

In the real world, we encounter, perhaps, ten thousand emotions daily. That is not an exaggeration. Rather, it is a look into just how complex and vast our minds really are.

Substance abuse takes this self control, and turns it into something gooey and formless. It takes your ability to regulate emotions going inward and going outward, and it makes that ability paralyzed and numb. By abusing drugs or alcohol, you are literally putting no filter on your mind so that whatever someone else says, will be exactly what you experience in your head as true and factual.

Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is just one of the many screening tests provided by CMM Technology. We provide drug test equipment all over Australia on a business-to-business basis and on an individual basis, depending upon what you need. Our breathalyser recalibration service helps you with all of your alcohol test and is accredited by NATA. Be sure and regulate the input of your employees, and make sure they don’t bring illicit substances into the business.

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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Bring on the Heartache

Alcohol Test
Alcohol Test
Heartache affects every single person on this earth. Whether or not you have ever had your heart broken by anyone, and we know that most people have, you have probably felt the loneliness of heartache once in a while. It’s a good thing to know you have a heart which can be hurt, but many of us are so lonely or can feel alone in a crowd that we are not quite that grateful for it. Heartache is not the same as heartbreak. Heartbreak serves as pain which comes from separation between yourself and your love. Heartache, on the other hand, can take the form of acute loneliness or extreme depression. In other words, it is not the separation from your love, but the mere absence of love which defines heartache.

So, what to do about such a problem? You can always pick another way to engage your attention, but chances are if loneliness has set in, this will be a temporary solution, at best.

Heartache is meant to bring people closer their true feelings if they do like someone, and to make them realize an absence in their life if they are not interested in anyone in particular. However, anyone can fall prey to the substance abuse which arises from acute and completely un-dealt-with heartache. Anyone can fall prey to substance abuse if their personal pain is high enough and their ability to create a new life for themselves is low or incompetent enough.

If someone in your employee workforce is suffering from heartache, then they are more likely to abuse substances. In time, this substance abuse could spread to their employment time and location. You need to know if any of your employees are engaged in drug testing or alcohol abuse. That’s where CMM Technology comes in. We provide you and your workforce with high quality drug test equipment and NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration services. Our drug test kits include oral and saliva options on our website, as well as individual breathalyser devices, in case you would like to use something other than your current devices.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Mixing Up the Beat

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
If you have a day-to-day job which requires a lot of repetitive work but enough mental thinking for it to not be a mechanical skill then you probably have had a lot of burnout in your past. You probably have found it to be much easier to just hate your job, and just perform the daily beat, the daily grind, all of the time when you are at work.

It’s time to mix up the beat.

Don’t go out and make huge changes in your life or your work, because that can lead to your boat being a little too tossed about the waves for your own comfort. But, by all means, make a list of all of your daily activities and, except for the activities which must done in a certain order, simply put them in a random list on your computer desktop. Then, highlight the cells or squares next to them in your Excel or other type of computer spreadsheet. As you do your tasks, simply fill in the colored cell with a slightly different color. That way, you know when you’ve done a task, but you are still mixing up the beat and do not have to bring your schedule to an incredibly dull place just because you are still doing the same activities every day.

Onsite drug testing is part of cooperation between your employees and your business as a whole. They allow themselves to be screened, and your business identifies and potentially gets rid of anyone who is abusing substances in the workplace, thus endangering the physical safety and mental stability of everyone in the workplace environment.

When you are using the NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration service from CMM Technology, as well as the drug test equipment, you are making sure that your employees are fit for duty, and that is an important responsibility to have. This doesn’t happen often enough throughout the year to be considered monotonous, and therefore may not require any mixing of the beat in this area, but if you need it, then it would be recommended to simply change out types of drug testing kits or alcohol test when you order from us in the future. We have enough inventory to readily make this possible.

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