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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Lance Armstrong Proves Drug Testing Works

Reading brief news reports about the doping case involving Lance Armstrong, a world champion cyclist, has raised a lot of questions about drug testing. The reality is that the Armstrong situation proves that drug testing is highly effective. How can that be when he was using drugs, but passing drug tests? Armstrong went to almost unbelievable extremes to bypass testing procedures, proving that the accuracy of drug testing was something to fear for anyone intent on cheating the system. Once the full story was revealed, the incredible lengths that Armstrong had to go through to deceive the drug testing system proves to employers that current drug testing methods are highly accurate and bypassing them, especially for years, takes a level of extensive planning, effort and collusion that the vast majority of workers would not, or could not, pull off.

For anyone not familiar with the Armstrong situation, the story is disturbing and farcical at the same time. Armstrong was a hero to many as a seven time winner of the Tour de France and as a cancer survivor. However, his career and successes were dogged with rumours of performance-enhancing drugs. Accused a number of times of doping, he always protested his innocence and pointed out he passed drug tests. For ten years, Armstrong continued to compete whilst passing drug tests and winning cycling races. If that is all that is known about the situation, it would appear that drug testing is not successful. However, there is much more to the story.

Wrong Kind of Teamwork

In its final report, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency said that Armstrong was, in effect, heading a sophisticated and professionalised doping program in the cycling sport. The extent to which Armstrong went to disguise his use of drugs is disturbing. However, even more disturbing is the fact his success was the result of the wrong kind of teamwork. It took a ‘code of silence’ and elaborate ruses to keep Armstrong’s drug use secret.

Lance Armstrong became an expert in evading drug testing, but the fact remains it took the cooperation of a lot of people to bypass the drug testing procedures. In fact, it is a sad story of deception and desperation.
It appears that Armstrong began the deception early in his successful career. In 1999, Armstrong’s gardener, a man known as “Motoman”, became the courier who delivered EPO (Erythropoietin) via motorcycle to the team, whilst the team was on tour buses. Armstrong’s teammates were participating in the deception and using drugs also. Syringes filled with EPO and dropped into soda cans were delivered to the bus, and the team doctor would then throw them out the bus windows after the syringes were removed. This practice was followed by taking a concoction of olive oil and testosterone called by the code name “the oil”.1

The story gets much worse. According to team members, Lance Armstrong went so far as to store blood transfusions obtained from a doctor who knew what he was doing and why he was doing it. Transfusions were taken on tour bus trips, with the bus sometimes stopping in the countryside so team members could carry out self-administered blood transfusions. The team members would complete a blood transfusion and then inject a saline solution to lower the hematocrit level.

A Culture of Drug Abuse

Armstrong claimed he had been tested hundreds of times for drugs and always passed. The truth was he was tested 60 times over his career for drugs, and there are questions about the interpretation of the blood tests. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) asked the head of physiology at the Australian Institute of Sport to re-analyse 38 Armstrong blood samples taken during his successful cycling Tours. The results clearly showed that blood doping was a high likelihood.2

There are many important lessons for employers in the Armstrong case. For example, one of the primary methods used to escape drug detection was to elude testing. Team members would refuse to answer the door when they thought the out-of-competition drug testers were knocking. Armstrong utilised other anti-detection strategies, like waiting to submit required travel plans until the last minute and staying in remote hotels where it was unlikely testers would show up. The cover-up strategies included backdated prescriptions to hide corticosteroid use, trainer supplied drugs, administered micro-doses of EPO under the skin at night, and a host of other activities designed to hide drug use.

Armstrong had a culture of drug abuse within his team, and they knew they had to conspire to past drug tests. It took doctors, team members, managers and personal deception to hide Armstrong’s drug use for so many years. Armstrong and his team were an anomaly, and people can have faith in the system of random drug testing using state-of-the art equipment. However, there are lessons Australian employers can take from this situation.

First, random drug testing policies must be diligently followed. Employees scheduled for testing should never be allowed to evade testing. Second, using reliable testing services and laboratories is critical. Third, a random drug test program must be truly random. As mentioned, Armstrong and his team would administer the EPO micro-doses in the middle of the night when drug testers were unlikely to conduct surprise tests. Employers who run 16 or 24 hours shifts need to include all workers in the random Alcohol Test program.
Employers can have faith in current reliable drug testing equipment like that provided by CMM Technology ( However, the reliable equipment must be combined with well developed and strictly enforced drug and alcohol testing policies and procedures to achieve a substance free workplace.

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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Legalising Marijuana Does Not Change Its Effects

The discussion rages on: Should marijuana be legalized and not just decriminalised? Though a topic of discussion for many years now, the debated heated up when the Global Commission on Drug Policy issued the report War on Drugs in June 2011. The Commission recommends the decriminalisation and government regulation of cannabis and possibly other drugs. The report was greeted with applause by those who support the legalisation of marijuana and with alarm by those who do not. Among those who generally do not buy-in to the argument are employers.

For employers, two considerations are embedded in this debate. First, will legalisation make it more difficult to control cannabis use in the workplace? Second, in terms of the effects of cannabis on workers, it should not make any difference if marijuana is legalised or not because of the known side effects of cannabis use.

The discussion on the legalisation of cannabis is similar to the discussions concerning prescription drugs. Though prescription drugs are legal, many of them present the same kind of problems as illegal drugs. Another way to look at the issue is that it really does not matter if a substance is legal or illegal, if the worker is disoriented, has memory problems, and experiences dizziness or anxiety as a result of a drug’s use. The safety of the worker and co-workers is jeopardised. In fact, cannabis use can lead to a number of immediate effects and each one can make it difficult for a worker complete tasks. Besides the ones mentioned, immediate effects include affected perception, altered vision, sleepiness, reduced coordination and loss of balance. Long-term use of cannabis can lead to impaired concentration and a greater likelihood of experiencing psychotic episodes. The importance of having a strong workplace drug and alcohol policy in place, and of following a random employee Alcohol Test schedule, cannot be overstated.1

An Issue of Doing Harm to Others

Supporters of cannabis legalisation tend to pick and choose the words they quote from the War on Drugs Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Whilst the report does support the decriminalisation of cannabis, it also states as its first principle and recommendation, “End the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others.” Clearly, the Global Commission is not recommending drug use by workers because cannabis use in the workplace certainly can lead to harm coming to others.2

The question also remains as to whether cannabis legalisation makes the drug more available or more restricted and whether it increases drug use or encourages people to use cannabis more responsibly. Right now employers struggle with managing worker use of prescription drugs, which are legal but often contain ingredients like opioids. Another workplace issue is whether drug legalisation will increase drug activity in the workplace because the fear of legal repercussions is removed.

It does not matter whether currently illicit drugs are legalised. Legal or not, cannabis and other drugs will impact workers the same way before or after legalisation. Maintaining a drug free workplace is the right policy for promoting workplace safety and productivity, and that does not change just because the laws change.

It is important to use high quality Drug Testing kits meeting Australian standards. CMM Technology ( works closely with employers who are interested in selecting reliable and accurate workplace drug testing equipment. 

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Sunday, 23 December 2012

What’s New on the Streets of Australia?

Illicit drug manufacturers are innovative, productive and working diligently to stay one step ahead of the government’s efforts to identify designer drugs. By the time a drug is added to the Schedule 8 – Controlled Drug or Schedule 9 – Prohibited Substance lists, a new drug like MDPV or “Smiles” appears. It is difficult for employers to stay current on the newest substances to hit the streets. That is precisely why it is important to use a high quality workplace drug testing company that has access to the latest research and produces state-of-the-art drug testing kits.

In January 2012, it was reported that some drug users in Adelaide were experiencing severe psychotic episodes due to a new street drug commonly referred to as Scat Cat, Meow-Meow and 666. Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) is extremely potent and similar to MDMA. The drug produces a number of serious side effects that include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, paranoia, delusions and violent behaviour, among many others. Though MDPV has been on the federal controlled drug list since 2010, after numerous overdoses and several deaths, the drug was added to Schedule 9 effective May 1, 2012, thus banning it.

In some ways, MDPV is old news because it has been identified and a controlled drug for six months. However, there are other new street drugs that have recently made appearances. One of them has a street name that belies the danger it presents to users – “Smiles”.

No Smiling when Using Smiles

Smiles is a derivative member of a set of drugs the chemists refer to as 2C-I. Its chemical name is 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine and is fortunately not yet commonly used by substance abusers. An obscure synthetic drug, it has been used mostly by clubbers who are looking for a cheap high. However, what the users are experiencing are severe hallucinations, bizarre behaviour, seizures and fatally high blood pressure. Smiles bind to serotonin receptors at a far higher rate than other drugs and alter the balance of serotonin and dopamine. The drug causes muscles to contract and get “locked” leading to rigidity, rising temperature and death.

Smiles recently came to the forefront of the Australian discussions on drugs when a young man in Perth continually slammed his body into trees, poles and other fixed items while high on 25B-NBOMe. A tablet form of 2C-I, the new version has been linked to numerous overdoses in Perth.1

A worker who decides to use Smiles will often begin showing signs of extreme distress within an hour of use. If this happens, emergency personnel should be called immediately for aggressive treatment. It is impossible for any drug testing company to rapidly develop test kits that will detect the newest synthetic street drugs made with unpredictable and unknown ingredients, but there is a good chance a drug user will test positive for some other type of substance. Numerous statistics show that most substance abusers are poly users, meaning they are using multiple drugs or drugs and alcohol. For example, the Australian Institute of Criminology released a report involving interviews of almost four thousand detainees. Of the people interviewed by the Drug Use Monitoring program, 44 percent were poly drug users.2 When it does not appear an emergency exists as an employee begins to behave irrationally for some reason, a workplace drug test should immediately be performed for cause. This establishes a workplace record of illicit substance use when the worker tests positive for an illicit substance.

WHO are These People?

One person reading a news report concerning 2C-I asked WHO are these people mixing synthetic drugs and why is it that humans will snort, inject, drink, inhale and consumer anything? It is an excellent question. Though it is not the duty of employers to psychoanalyse workers, they do need to understand that easy drug availability makes random drug and alcohol testing an imperative. Synthetic drugs may change formulas, but poly users seem to have no compunction about mixing legal and illegal drugs or mixing multiple illicit drugs and alcohol.

No one can predict the next new street drug, but there will be one. It is critical that employers diligently adhere to a random drug and alcohol testing program and not be discouraged by the appearance of synthetic street drugs. The habits of drug users are such that current drug screening tests will identify workers using the newest drugs, simply because drug users cannot seem to stop at using a single drug and will rely on the popular drugs also to ensure they experience a ‘high’. In the meantime, laboratories are very close to developing drug tests that detect similar chemical compositions as opposed to identical. That is precisely why employers need to use an experienced drug testing company for supplies and testing services.

CMM Technology offers state-of-the-art drug test equipment that include both urine and saliva products. Using the Alcohol Test kits found at ensure that employers are testing based on the latest medical research. 

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Understanding Psychological Pain

Those of us, and the author includes herself in this, who have been repeatedly hurt by addicts often find it difficult to forgive them. However, it will help you to understand something about the psychological pain that they are going through. Note: Even though this about understands their pain, there is nothing you can do to help them except to protect yourself and your personal boundaries from them. In no way is this article a solution to helping addicts. That is a problem which can only be fixed by them, and only they can start, continue, and finish helping themselves.

When you suffer from low emotional intelligence, you are not just incompetent in many parts of your life and relationships. You still have full mental capacity and ability to think. You are still able to dream and think about all of the goals which you someday hope to achieve. You are aware that you can mentally and physically accomplish all of your goals.

There is a glass wall between what you can do and what you are technically capable of doing. You are not fully grown up on the inside, so you cannot handle the burden of responsibility of the lifestyle of someone who is your age. If you are emotionally twelve years old on the inside, you will not be able to emotionally handle the responsibilities of an eighteen year old, and so on. As you grow older, and the burdens of your age increase against your internal age, you’re suffering and misery increases. You know that something is wrong, and that something is holding you back, but you simply cannot figure out what to do about the problem.

This is why businesses implement Workplace Drug Testing , Urine Drug Test and oral fluid drug tests are tools at your disposal that assist you to ascertain if there are any drugs in their system. As a leader in your business, it is your responsibility to make sure that your employees are kept safe, even from each other. For more information about Drug test Kits in Western Australia, call CMM Technology today.

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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Drug Testing is a Core Requirement

For some inexperienced business owners, employee drug testing may seem a little unnecessary. If you have the expenses to cover it, then yeah, sure, it might be a good idea, but it is really no big deal.
Drug testing is such a big deal that we at CMM Technology cannot stress it enough. One of the core requirements of business operation is the need to have someone and something to protect your company assets. We do this by locking the doors, installing security systems, and vetting new employees and only promoting them to further access to our assets when they prove their trustworthiness. However, there is another aspect of this.

What happens when you are attacked from the inside? What happens when one of your employees puts your company assets and your employees in jeopardy? You need physical evidence that they are a danger to others on the jobsite. One of the most-touted arguments against employee drug testing has been that it is a violation of your privacy. Some people may even say that your character is not being judged, but your urine.
However, the law is a defined and finite power. The law regulates appropriate conduct to be demonstrated in civilised society. These laws protect the citizens of our country. Without them, personal interpretations, which can go to any extreme imaginable, would be open to the public. Innocent people can get hurt. Companies can be sued for things which they did not have a part of.

Breathalyser tests, drug tests, and any other type of employee drug testing helps to record data about whether or not an employee is engaging in abusive behavior while on the jobsite. This recorded data is physical evidence which can be presented in court should the company find itself sued or in any way liable for the irresponsible and dangerous actions of an employee who is under the influence. For this reason, CMM Technology not only distributes equipment for drug test in Western Australia, but we also offer recalibration service for any devices which you are already using. Our goal is to increase the safety of company assets. Call CMM Technology today to order your drug testing products.

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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Drifting in a Sea of Fog

                Alcohol Test
If you have ever driven in fog, then you know how much fear that it can induce in someone. The fear is not so much in getting lost or a fear of the hazy gray smokiness of the air around you. It is a fear of blindly being led off of the road which you are on…a road which ensures your safety and wellbeing. Without this path ahead of you, you could drive into oncoming traffic, fall into a ditch or over a cliff, and you can get your vehicle stuck in areas which you would need a tow truck to pull you out of. This slipping off the road business is a dangerous thing to encounter.

Drifting in a sea of fog is a phrase that is also used to describe being without motivation, goals or direction. When people use it in this manner, they intend to convey a feeling of almost not being human anymore, since most of their humanity is based upon clear cut feelings and memories and visual impressions of people and objects and life experiences.

When you indulge in drug abuse or alcohol abuse, your mind is drifting in a sea of fog. This is no directionless phase, since most people on this path slip toward a very definite end of broken relationships, lowered standards of living, and repeated and chronic self abuse. In order to understand why businesses implement employee drug testing, you may wish to consider that a company is like a living organism which must grow and thrive in order to stay healthy. When the organism is dysfunctional, money leaves rather than coming in.

Money is very good about going where it is safe.

Adulterant tests and all types of breathalyser devices and drug testing reveal the inner workings of employee behavior toward themselves. If they engage in rampant self abuse, it shows. To have workers who are fit for duty is to have a healthy organism which produces products and services for your community. Order your drug test equipment from CMM Technology today. Drug testing in Western Australia has never been so easy.

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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Disengaging from Abusive Coworkers

                                  Drug Test
Let us say that you love your job, or are at least satisfied with it, and that you have abusive coworkers with whom you do not wish to associate and about whom you frequently have negative thoughts. This is a dual-sided situation. Not only can someone make themselves obnoxious, but others can choose to see them as obnoxious. Both sides of this situation must occur in order for a worksite to be plagued with abusive coworkers. There must be a bully, and there must be a recognition of the bully.

For you to achieve some measure of clarity and therefore rid yourself of the energy of this person, you must take one of those two factors under your control. You cannot change and really can in no way alter the behavior of a person without their consent. The alternative, then, is to manage and control to what extent they are able to affect you.

This all sounds very simple on paper, doesn’t it?

As we all know, though, principles are great until you encounter an emotional situation where the individual in question is directly attacking you or someone with whom you associate. Then it becomes an all out war in your mind, where you are willing to fight dirty and take them down systematically, if just to gain control over your world again.

And the only thing which can make an emotional situation worse is if one or both of you have low emotional intelligence. At that point, you are subject to reactions, which are entirely out of your control, rather than your straightforward logical thinking. This is why we distribute employee drug testing equipment.

Though the systematic and cool universe of drug testing in Western Australia, you can make sure that everyone is keeping themselves under control. After all, you are liable for injuries on the jobsite resulting from an inebriated or high employee. You bear, by law, some of the burden of such workplace liabilities.

Protect yourself and your assets by checking out and reviewing our Lifeloc FC10 personal breathalyser devices and our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. And while you’re at it, call us today.

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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Dealing with Employee Testing in Small Businesses

Small businesses, generally businesses of one hundred employees or less, are part of the local economy and they keep everything from prices to inflation from rising. Small companies also take care of their customers on a more personal basis, and they are more likely to develop long term positive relationships with their clients. This is a big deal, since most or all the business that a small company receives can come from repeat loyal customers. In other words, you may be serving most of the target demographic of customers in your area.

For this reason, it is especially important that you hire really high quality employees who are trained in how to act and how to respond to difficult customers. If they help to keep your reputation strong, then business never leaves. However, if they continue to be awkward and to drive clients away, then you are looking at a very real and very documentable liability…not only that, but they are a liability which you are paying to be employed at your company every day.

That sounds like a lot of money going down the drain.

When you deal with customer service, you must be willing to vet your employees up and down main street before hiring them. If you know them and they have a solid reputation both with you and with your community, then hiring them would be even more beneficial than the average high quality employee. One of their assets is that they bring these desired customers into your business through their local reputation. It strengthens your business foundation.

At CMM Technology, we distribute drug test equipment and breathalysers to companies throughout Australia, and we also provide breathalyser recalibration service to many businesses in Western Australia. Our goal is to bring you high quality customers by helping you improve the quality of employees which you have with you. Scientific reading from employee drug testing is about as objective as it can get. For more information, visit our website and check out our products. We would love to know what you think of our recalibration services, and we would love to provide you with your next batch of equipment.

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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Physiological Side Effects of Drug Abuse

When you are giving your employees drug tests for their working requirements, you are doing so much more than protect your company and all of your assets. You are helping them with their physical and emotional health. What do we mean by this? The tying of emotions to the physical body is part of physiology, and low emotional intelligence, along with supported means of abuse such as drug abuse or alcoholism, can create repercussions in both the mind and in the body through multiple means. When you implement employee drug testing, you are helping to keep your employees from melding their weaknesses together into one large ball of scar tissue.

Psychologically, drug abuse and alcohol abuse weaken the body’s ability to defend itself against physical and emotional onslaught, not to mention it strengthens the mind’s tendency to engage in self destructive thinking. In other words, these physiological side effects (which tie the emotional and the physical together) compound the problem, rather than allowing the individual to break up their emotional and physical issues separately and in small increments so that they are manageable and easy to deal with. The largeness and the compounding of the problem also foster hopelessness, or the belief that if you should break these small problems up and gradually eliminate them that they will spring back up and cause further damage later on. In other words, the compounding of the problem fosters the sense that emotional or physical issues will never really go away, and will just keep coming back, so there is no point in fixing those problems in the first place. This mentality, in turn, leads to the individual not actually looking for a permanent solution to their issue. They believe that only temporary solutions are available, and so they seek to fix them with drugs and alcohol, which are notoriously temporary and unstable.

In the workplace, you need reliability, and for that reason CMM Technology provides workplace drug testing equipment, including Oraline saliva drug tests and Alert J5 personal breathalyser devices. Drug testing in Western Australia has never been run so efficiently.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Selling Out

Cost of Drug Testing
Selling out can be a very relative term, subjective to the opinions of many people. However, the basic definition is that of replacing quality with more temporary income. This can result in short term gains for the company, but not long term profits. In other words, selling out is a way to act like a child, whereas long term investment in the company is adult behavior. This is the cinch of the matter, although selling out itself remains a relative term. In the business world, selling out can refer to many things, including the absence of drug and alcohol screening in order to keep prices and expenses down. In the short term, not implementing drug testing will benefit revenue, but in the long run, it will decrease safety, affect productivity, and cost the company several thousand times what it saved. In short, selling out gets the job done for today, but steals from tomorrow to do it.

Drug and alcohol test prices for companies have been the determining factor for many years. They determine how much investment the company is willing to put into testing. However, the cost of drug and alcohol testing should not be the only determining factor. As with the subject of selling out, without long term investment, you are not likely to receive high quality long term results. It is therefore important to keep your employee drug and alcohol testing intact and with the highest quality testing products and services available. To reduce the quality of your drug and alcohol testing program is to put a nick in the foundation of your business itself. It is necessary, therefore, to look further in the future and plan for it and sink effort and energy into it.

Selling out can also occur in the quality of the drug testing products which you order. For example, you may receive cheap, unreliable drug tests in exchange for less money. At CMM Technology, we value your long term business and we sell only the best products. Check out our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices, our Lion SD 500 devices, and our Medix drug testing kits. For more information, visit our website or call CMM Technology today.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Self Respect and Attracting Clientele

Self respect is the absolute best way that you can sell yourself to clients and business associates at any point in time. While self confidence is touted as the number one seller, self respect actually gives you an internal feeling of self worth, personal boundaries, and realization of just exactly how much crap you are willing to take in a business deal. This respect for yourself shows quite clearly to potential customers or clientele, and it demands a certain amount of attention and respect from them, as well.

Now, wait a minute, this does not always mean that you receive business. Why is this so? Well, not everyone is prepared to continually, for more than a few days at a time, give you the respect that you are demanding. This is not the time to start giving in and settling for something less. Instead, start to alter your entire lifestyle to the point where you are giving yourself enough respect, and then everyone else’s abilities or lack there of, even in the professional world, will mean less.

Of course, now that your newfound and newly advertised self respect is shining out and bringing in new clientele, you will notice that it will start bringing in an entirely new class of clientele. When this starts happening, allow your schedule and your marketing schemes to relax enough so that, when these high quality clientele begin seeking you out, you are not still imposing your old rules and strategies for client acquisition. That worked for a lower class of client, but now you must allow yourself to change with the times. If you cannot grow and change that much, you will end up attracting what you can handle, which will be the previous type of client.

CMM Technology provides drug testing equipment to businesses throughout Australia and select countries. Try out our Medix equipment, our Lion SD 400 and Lion SD 500 personal breathalyser devices, and the cost of drug & alcohol testing when you are doing business with our company. We have enough self respect to be able to offer you value and high quality products within your price range, no matter what size or level of company you have.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Secrets of the Deep

Human like secrets, and they really like to keep secrets. Secrets, or the withdrawal from saying what is directly on your mind as you are thinking it, are important in both business and personal lives. Of course, many couples tell each other that they do not want any secrets from each other, but this is a slightly inorganic way of going about this process. For example, are you more likely to tell your new spouse or significant other a secret if they are aggressively pulling it out of you, or are you more likely to tell them after some time has passed and they have demonstrated not only their loyalty with your trust but also how they react reasonably well to the news. After all, isn’t that why anyone keeps a secret from their romantic partner; because they are afraid of how the other person will react. This is, of course, a very reasonable concern to have. You do not want to hurt them, but, perhaps even more importantly, you do not want them to think negatively about you. It is this concern over the strength of the relationship and the love for which they bear that causes many secrets to be kept within a couple, or within business partners, or between colleagues.

We cannot be afraid of the truth, and we must take responsibility for the fact that we want the truth, which may not agree with our personal views or desires or hopes for the future. This is why many small businesses do not find themselves testing their employees for alcohol or drugs. There is an innate concern about the business relationship, the friendship, whether or not they will stay, and of course what they think about you for implementing these techniques.

Fortunately, the business does not have to grow very large before these fears are put to rest, and employee testing is brought in. To help you with these techniques, CMM Technology provides and supplies companies throughout Australia with Oraline saliva tests, Medix drug test kits, Lion Alcoblow breathalysers, and LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices.

Sales of Drug Testing Equipment

Alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia are striving to sell high quality drug tests and breathalyser devices with discounts and many other “benefits” which may or may not exist. However, CMM Technology devotes our company to the proper use, calibration and storage of high quality drug test and breathalysers, like our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser, our Oraline saliva tests, and our Medixurine drug tests. This is our goal: to offer and provide the highest quality drug and alcohol testing equipment that we possibly can.

Sales of drug testing equipment fluctuate depending upon the need of the various clients, as well as the need of the market as a whole. In other words, it depends partly upon how much employee drug testing is being used on a regular basis. Fortunately for us, employee drug and alcohol screening is being used more and more over time, since it is such a scientifically valid way to evaluate and alter company protocol. After all, if you are not aware of which employees may be abusing substances in the workplace, then how can you help and aid your own company in business? You must be aware of your managers and employees and executives, and you must be able to be aware of them. This ability is given to you through the implementation of drug and alcohol testing on the jobsite.

Fortunately, drug and alcohol test prices are extremely reasonable at CMM Technology. We believe in keeping the cost of drug and alcohol testing as low as possible, while also maintaining high quality service. In other words, we believe in delivering value to the customer, while also maintaining that high quality standard that professional businesses expect out of their service and product suppliers.

At CMM Technology, we provide some of the best names in drug and alcohol testing equipment. We provide drug tests, such as Oraline saliva tests, and other drug tests, like MedixIntegrated pro-split cup urine tests. In addition to drug tests, we also carry breathalysers, such as Lion SD 400 and Lion SD 500 and LifeLoc FC10 hand held breathalyser devices.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Circumventing the Truth

The truth can be subjective, but more often than not many people choose subjectivity completely, and nobody is really actually speaking the truth. It is so easy to circumvent the truth. It is so simple to lie and step aside when truth is aimed at you. Easy deception is one of the many ways in which we communicate with each other and avoid conflict. It is such a fragile life that we all live, one in which clay and spirit and humanity come together and struggle for dominance, and one in which we are all supposed to find a purpose, when few of us realize that we create both our purpose and our method of fulfilling our purpose on this earth.

What about the truth? It too easily indicates what is really going on, and it too easily shows us how fragile our lives really are. Our fears drive us to crave stability and changelessness. However, it is in changelessness where danger truly lies. In order for the mind to win over the body, or the spirit to win over the clay, growth must occur. And this growth cannot occur when we so adamantly cling to the old and never inspect or discern about the new. It is in this environment of stagnation where addiction can feed.

In the professional world, you must be able to see things as they are, and not as you would like them to be. While many professionals can do just this, there are jobs and careers which allow an individual to disconnect from reality, and live in their own world. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. We all need our dream worlds. But we are responsible for the lives and welfare of others when we’re at work. Our actions really go a long way, whether we believe they do or not.

CMM Technology brings life back into business by being one of the successful alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia. We carry everything from Medix drug tests and Oraline saliva tests to LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices. We love what we do and we’re really good at it.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Being Savvy on the Jobsite

Being savvy means that you are able to get everything accomplished that you wish to achieve and doing it with as limited resources as possible, living within your means, and frugally. This is a lifestyle that utilizes all possible mechanisms and resources, without indulging in waste or in shiftlessness. It is important to be savvy simply in order to have a high standard of living without having to work that much harder. This is the key to being business savvy, as well as savvy in home economics. Have we overused this word yet?

For some, being savvy equates to always watching the bottom line. However, if you only did that, then you would be irresponsible. The needs of your crew, the capabilities of the people who are working so hard for you, and the number of employees all have a very relevant place here. In addition to what you absolutely are able to squeeze out of people before they start quitting, there is the event of being ahead of time and under budget with your schedule. Unforeseen events DO occur, and planning ahead is so much better than finding yourself under-challenged and past your deadline.

Instead, being savvy should include being aware of many things, from how your employees are doing in their personal lives to Urine Drug Test prices. Even the cost of drug & alcohol testing and outside factors which can affect workflow should be important to you. In addition to that, being savvy means that you utilize this awareness, along with discretion and individual respect, to gain time as mentioned above. It means never allowing yourself to block out the truth. It means never giving yourself extra room in order to not deal in reality. It means never hiding your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Being savvy means being aware of your circumstances at all time, and facilitating the workflow by using this knowledge.

At CMM Technology, we pride ourselves on our own savvy ways, and the fact that we are able to bring Screening Tests in Western Australia to new heights. Check out our Medix equipment, our Oraline saliva drug tests, and our Lion SD 400 and 500 breathalysers.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Risk Management – WA Safety Show 2012

The West Australian Safety Show is being held in the Perth Convention Centre on August 7th through 9th, 2012. The WA Safety Show 2012 is dedicated to safety technology, safety laws and regulations, and educating individuals and businesses on safety services and laws and technology.

CMM Technology is once again attending this expo to showcase their new technology, products and services.

A key feature of attending a safety expo is to learn new ways of managing existing company practices and view new technology in the area of risk management. An of heard catchphrase used today, which has become the cornerstone of progressive moderncompanies is ‘continuous improvement’, and attending such events gives the busy professional a condensed view of new products & services in the marketplace allowing them to reassess their current practices and hopefully give them the tools to improve them.

Risk management is an area of business that is vital to all concerned, because safety procedures obviously assist in helping to guard against accidents, injuries, potential lawsuits and things which could be very costly to the company as a whole, and individual employees specifically.

Risk management recognises that problems will happenand that precautions should be taken to reduce the likelihood of these occurrences, as well as having steps already in place in order to train and practice what to do if one of these problems should occur.

Drug testing is one of these safety mechanisms. The cost of drug and alcohol testing does not have to be exorbitant. In fact, CMM Technology offers very reasonable pricesyet supply high quality drug and alcohol devices for your business. What does employee drug testing do for you? Well, for one thing, it protects your assets, both company assets and the investment of personal time and energy that you have put into your business.

Secondly, the use of drug and alcohol screening as a tool for continuous employee supervision is extremely valuable. As much as you may trust and rely upon each and every one of your employees, they are working for you because they have an affinity to be led, rather than being their own boss. By implementing a robust AOD policy that may include devices such as a saliva drug test like Oralinefor instance or an alcohol test by way of a hand held breathalyser such as the Lifeloc FC10, you are actually creating a safe, secure environment in which to work, not to mention the physical safety you are supporting by making sure that every employee is qualified to operate machinery and be around their coworkers without causing danger.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Planning for the Holidays

At any point during the year, there are holidays which are on the horizon and which are planned for by your company. Here are some tips for planning for the holidays, no matter when they might arise:

1. Look up company policy. At any time, you should be aware of your particular business’ drinking policy, partying policy, and any policies which may be in effect concerning inebriation, inappropriate behavior, and harder rule breaking, such as drug abuse or carrying of illicit drugs onto company property.

2. Schedule office/jobsite parties at least two weeks in advance. There is something mentally anarchistic about the sudden onset of makeshift, last minute parties, and this can lead to relaxation of company policy and obedience of the rules. This is not to say that you should be a stickler, but that you should plan ahead so that everyone knows what to expect.

3. Always be aware. This is a particularly appropriate rule for anyone who is afraid of being taken advantage of or of stepping too far over the line during bouts of inebriation. Awareness increases the likelihood that you will make your holiday celebrations poignant, enjoyable and fun, while also not making mistakes which you will regret down the road.

4. Plan post party activities. This is a two-fold rule. First, if you have something planned for after holiday parties, then you are less likely to engage in binge drinking or drug abusing. Second, if you are keeping the evenings and days after the party in mind, you are less likely to sink all of your celebration into just one event. The neediness may decrease.

5. Update your CMM equipment. The cost of drug and alcohol testing is cheap with us, and our drug tests and Alert J5 personal breathalyser are perfect for your regular and post-holiday drug and alcohol testing. Make sure you have plenty of testing equipment on reserve so that you do not have to wait to continue with your regular testing.

CMM Technology provides Oraline drug tests, Medix equipment and Alert J5 personal breathalyser devices for your company use. Call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Drug Testing with Employees Who Refuse to be Tested

In certain high hazard industries, employee drug and alcohol screening is a requirement and absolutely positively must be done in order for the company to abide by government guidelines. However, some companies have the option of whether or not to test their employees for drugs or alcohol, and if an employee should refuse to be tested, this can pose quite an interesting dilemma. If the individual has been employed by your company for some time and has proven themselves competent and trustworthy, do you go the extra step to convince them to submit to employee drug and alcohol testing, or do you give them a break?

At this point in time, if you are inclined to give them a break about this topic, and they may well have earned such a privilege, you still have to keep other employees in mind. If you make exceptions to the rule which other employees find out about, then this specialized treatment is likely to breed bitterness and resentment within your other staff members. It is important to discuss this with the favored and competent employees, but to also explain that they are a leader in your company, a self made leader, and that their example and attitude about employee drug testing will affect other people.

Absolutely make sure that you do not become stern and officious and tell the valued and competent employee that everyone gets tested and that’s that. It is best to always help them to understand that, while you respect them as a person and that your respect their professionalism, you have to think about the other employees and that they should, too.

If, however, you do end up giving someone an exception to the rule, make it quite clear that their free ride is based entirely upon their confidence about the matter. If they should mention the circumstances to anyone else, it will engender destruction of the teamwork mentality, and you will make sure that they are properly tested, just like everyone else.CMM Technology provides employee drug & alcohol testing equipment to businesses all over Australia and we ship to some countries.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Doubt in Your Own Abilities

Intellectually speaking, most people are the same, and they are perfectly able to accomplish whatever they put their mind to. In The Magic of Thinking Big, by Dr. David J. Schwartz, we find that perceptions of reality are the true blockades to progress. In fact, according to Dr. Schwartz, doubt in your own ability seems to really be the ONLY problem with regard to accomplishing that which you would like to accomplish. Unfortunately, our individual perceptions are highly fickle and based upon our memory of the past and emotional reactions, and the result can be a person who is entirely caged in by their own mind.

Doubt in your own abilities really does define how much you learn new things and incorporate those new things into your life. There is really is only one wall against perception, and that is your own beliefs about such things. When you doubt in your ability to accomplish a task, your mind really desires to make your wish come true, and therefore gives you every excuse in the book in order to get out of actually accomplishing it.

Truthfully, personal perceptions are the only reality which exists in your lifetime. Advertising agencies understand that. They comprehend how, rather than the qualifications of the product, the actual perceptions of the product make it sell. If an advertising agency is not accomplishing that job, then it is time to move on to someone who can sell something consistently and in large amounts.

In Dr. Schwartz’s book, he describes how inaction leads to further fear and that action destroys fear. What does this mean? When you are afraid of something or someone or of a situation, then take immediate action steps to addressing the problem, meeting the person, or coming in contact with the object. Face your fears head on and do it immediately, or your inaction will grow your negative perception to unreasonable heights.

One perception is that drug and alcohol screening is extremely helpful to businesses, and CMM Technology backs this perception one hundred percent. We believe in our drug testing products, and we know that you will, too.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Investing in Yourself

We have all heard the phrase, “pay yourself first,” and it has to do with putting aside money for yourself before you pay your bills and deal with other expenses. It is not just a form of common sense and good investing, but it has to do with self respect. How can you give respect to others when you do not even have any respect for yourself? How can you bless the lives of others when you have not given yourself blessings first? All resources must come from somewhere and how you treat yourself and how you invest in yourself both have everything to do with what type of productivity you are able to put out.

Investing in yourself is not a new concept. However, it has become less and less socially acceptable to even talk about, since society in general and lower middle socioeconomic groups in particular fail to discern between investing in yourself and just plain selfishness. How does one go about investing in themselves, while at the same time avoiding the unpleasant and depressing insistence of others that they should be serving their community instead?

The key is in secrecy, privacy and isolation. When you tell other people about what you are doing for yourself, even if they show unlimited external support of your ideas, it helps to draw your focus in that direction…externally. Fortunately, this article describes the importance of being intimate with yourself and your personality and investing in things that only you like to do and that only sink blessing into your own life, without anyone else knowing anything about it.

Do all of your personal intimate and private self improvements in private, and tell no one about them afterward. This builds up your internal reserves because no one else knows your secret and can then evaluate it in any direction, and it also helps you to feel like you can tweak it without having to update the general populace around you. Your intimate conversations with yourself should be just that…intimate. This is the highest and most profitable and most permanent way to invest in yourself. On the jobsite, your reactions will be quick and to the point, and your spirit will be calm and relaxed and not affected by the disillusionment and dissatisfaction of others.

In the meantime, CMM Technology offers another, more external, way to bring calmness and responsible employees together. Our drug test and alcohol breathalyser devices will bring a whole new state of calm and security to your jobsite, thanks to employee drug and alcohol testing.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Expectations and Their Consequences

Expectations, just like habits, can make or break a man. In fact, most expectations already are habits. They are just habitual beliefs about circumstances and people and places and situations which have been cultivated over time into expectations. Well, we cannot do much about it someone else has low expectations of us, and it is not in our best interests to try to dissuade them from this ideal, because that would allow their opinion to control our actions. We can, however, control how we perceive the world around us, and deal with life in a more proactive manner. For example, perpetual worriers often feel that it is normal to have some stress or concern in their minds at all times, or else they feel that they are being irresponsible. Conversely, those who never concern themselves even with basic responsibilities find everyone else to be too uptight and not as mellow as they are. Of course, in either case, their surrounding or external circumstances have not changed at all, but their private worlds are different depending upon how they perceive themselves and the world immediately around them.In advertising, this motto is frequently touted: perception IS reality.

Unfortunately, negative expectations not only change your own energy, but they change how you behave and how your react to others, bringing about and increasing the likelihood that others will act in the manner which you expect. This is a commonplace phenomenon, which describes how perceptions affect the perceiver FIRST, and then the perceiver's behavior and attitude affects others to the point where they begin delivering what is expected of them, good or bad. Often, drug addicts and alcoholics are so far gone that they do not even need to see the expected behavior in someone else before they accuse them and expect evil from them.

Fortunately, not all expectations have to be continually fed, especially in a worthwhile marketplace like the professional business world. CMM Technology provides employee drug testing equipment to help reduce these negative expectations due to abuse. Check out our drug tests and alcohol breathalyser devices, especially our Medix drug testing kits and our Lion SD 500 breathalyser devices.