The West Australian Safety Show is being held in the Perth Convention Centre on August 7th through 9th, 2012. The WA Safety Show 2012 is dedicated to safety technology, safety laws and regulations, and educating individuals and businesses on safety services and laws and technology.
CMM Technology is once again attending this expo to showcase their new technology, products and services.
A key feature of attending a safety expo is to learn new ways of managing existing company practices and view new technology in the area of risk management. An of heard catchphrase used today, which has become the cornerstone of progressive moderncompanies is ‘continuous improvement’, and attending such events gives the busy professional a condensed view of new products & services in the marketplace allowing them to reassess their current practices and hopefully give them the tools to improve them.
Risk management is an area of business that is vital to all concerned, because safety procedures obviously assist in helping to guard against accidents, injuries, potential lawsuits and things which could be very costly to the company as a whole, and individual employees specifically.
Risk management recognises that problems will happenand that precautions should be taken to reduce the likelihood of these occurrences, as well as having steps already in place in order to train and practice what to do if one of these problems should occur.
Drug testing is one of these safety mechanisms. The cost of drug and alcohol testing does not have to be exorbitant. In fact, CMM Technology offers very reasonable pricesyet supply high quality drug and alcohol devices for your business.
What does employee drug testing do for you? Well, for one thing, it protects your assets, both company assets and the investment of personal time and energy that you have put into your business.
Secondly, the use of drug and alcohol screening as a tool for continuous employee supervision is extremely valuable. As much as you may trust and rely upon each and every one of your employees, they are working for you because they have an affinity to be led, rather than being their own boss. By implementing a robust AOD policy that may include devices such as a saliva drug test like Oralinefor instance or an alcohol test by way of a hand held breathalyser such as the Lifeloc FC10, you are actually creating a safe, secure environment in which to work, not to mention the physical safety you are supporting by making sure that every employee is qualified to operate machinery and be around their coworkers without causing danger.
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