Alcohol is already a very flammable substance. When performing acts for the benefit of an audience, fire breathers often drink alcohol and then blow their breath near an open flame in order to appear as if they are blowing fire out of their mouths. Employee drug testing does not have to be this dangerous or this tricky, though. Saliva drug tests, urine drug tests, and alcohol breathalyser devices are all part of the drug test equipment which CMM Technology distributes throughout Australia. For breathalysers you are still using, we have a high quality breathalyser recalibration service.
Of course, all of this is meant to enable and encourage safety and respect while on the jobsite. This safety is compromised when a basic small office party or worksite celebration is set on fire due to all of the alcohol present and someone’s carelessness. The company is liable for the damage, since the fire was caused by an employee of your business. It is so important, therefore, that even in small, controlled celebrations, you have hired employees who know how to control themselves in the presence of alcohol. The only way to make sure of this is to use regular employee drug testing and breathalyser screening in order to make sure that your workers are in control of themselves all of the rest of the time. We are not suggesting that you are ultra-uptight about the process, or even that you should relax your drug testing standards for a while. Rather, we are stating that workers who exercise self control are more likely to prevent an accidental fire than ones who are used to allowing themselves more freedom than is reasonable while intoxicated or while in the presence of professional coworkers and clients.
A line, at some point, must be drawn, after all.
Try our oral fluid drug test and our breathalyser recalibration service so that you can get an overall view of how CMM Technology can make your workplace safer and more manageable all at the same time. You love your employees and the growth of your company. This is love by respecting their safety and protecting their assets in the business. Call CMM Technology today to order your drug test equipment.
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