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Monday, 21 April 2014

The Smoke after Fires

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
In a heated argument, we often say and do things we later regret and even feel rather silly for doing. The smoke after the fire can choke and maim and do more damage than the actual fire did. If you can hear certain things and realize they are not personal, then great. If you can experience specific insults and not be highly offended, then this is wonderful. However, it is not very often that you find someone who, being lashed out at, won’t lash back. It isn’t very common for someone to hear the worst insults on this green earth and not respond with some manner of attack, even if it is only a gentle attack.

There are limits to which humans can push each other.

Accepting the faults and quirks of your coworkers can be a trying experience, but it builds character and perspective on human nature. You understand people in general better when you experience a lot of different personality types at once. Work can actually help make you into a better person because it demands that you learn about other humans just by dealing with them on a regular basis. The more people you have to deal with, the more it builds your character and your sense of tolerance. Of course, if your employees abuse alcohol or drugs, they do not have this added advantage of being able to build their tolerance. They feel inadequate at all times, which in turn makes them feel really incompetent.

They lash out.

And when people lash out, the smoke lasts long after the fire.

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