Being savvy means that you are able to get everything accomplished that you wish to achieve and doing it with as limited resources as possible, living within your means, and frugally. This is a lifestyle that utilizes all possible mechanisms and resources, without indulging in waste or in shiftlessness. It is important to be savvy simply in order to have a high standard of living without having to work that much harder. This is the key to being business savvy, as well as savvy in home economics. Have we overused this word yet?
For some, being savvy equates to always watching the bottom line. However, if you only did that, then you would be irresponsible. The needs of your crew, the capabilities of the people who are working so hard for you, and the number of employees all have a very relevant place here. In addition to what you absolutely are able to squeeze out of people before they start quitting, there is the event of being ahead of time and under budget with your schedule. Unforeseen events DO occur, and planning ahead is so much better than finding yourself under-challenged and past your deadline.
Instead, being savvy should include being aware of many things, from how your employees are doing in their personal lives to Urine Drug Test prices. Even the cost of drug & alcohol testing and outside factors which can affect workflow should be important to you. In addition to that, being savvy means that you utilize this awareness, along with discretion and individual respect, to gain time as mentioned above. It means never allowing yourself to block out the truth. It means never giving yourself extra room in order to not deal in reality. It means never hiding your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Being savvy means being aware of your circumstances at all time, and facilitating the workflow by using this knowledge.
At CMM Technology, we pride ourselves on our own savvy ways, and the fact that we are able to bring Screening Tests in Western Australia to new heights. Check out our Medix equipment, our Oraline saliva drug tests, and our Lion SD 400 and 500 breathalysers.