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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Self Respect and Attracting Clientele

Self respect is the absolute best way that you can sell yourself to clients and business associates at any point in time. While self confidence is touted as the number one seller, self respect actually gives you an internal feeling of self worth, personal boundaries, and realization of just exactly how much crap you are willing to take in a business deal. This respect for yourself shows quite clearly to potential customers or clientele, and it demands a certain amount of attention and respect from them, as well.

Now, wait a minute, this does not always mean that you receive business. Why is this so? Well, not everyone is prepared to continually, for more than a few days at a time, give you the respect that you are demanding. This is not the time to start giving in and settling for something less. Instead, start to alter your entire lifestyle to the point where you are giving yourself enough respect, and then everyone else’s abilities or lack there of, even in the professional world, will mean less.

Of course, now that your newfound and newly advertised self respect is shining out and bringing in new clientele, you will notice that it will start bringing in an entirely new class of clientele. When this starts happening, allow your schedule and your marketing schemes to relax enough so that, when these high quality clientele begin seeking you out, you are not still imposing your old rules and strategies for client acquisition. That worked for a lower class of client, but now you must allow yourself to change with the times. If you cannot grow and change that much, you will end up attracting what you can handle, which will be the previous type of client.

CMM Technology provides drug testing equipment to businesses throughout Australia and select countries. Try out our Medix equipment, our Lion SD 400 and Lion SD 500 personal breathalyser devices, and the cost of drug & alcohol testing when you are doing business with our company. We have enough self respect to be able to offer you value and high quality products within your price range, no matter what size or level of company you have.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Secrets of the Deep

Human like secrets, and they really like to keep secrets. Secrets, or the withdrawal from saying what is directly on your mind as you are thinking it, are important in both business and personal lives. Of course, many couples tell each other that they do not want any secrets from each other, but this is a slightly inorganic way of going about this process. For example, are you more likely to tell your new spouse or significant other a secret if they are aggressively pulling it out of you, or are you more likely to tell them after some time has passed and they have demonstrated not only their loyalty with your trust but also how they react reasonably well to the news. After all, isn’t that why anyone keeps a secret from their romantic partner; because they are afraid of how the other person will react. This is, of course, a very reasonable concern to have. You do not want to hurt them, but, perhaps even more importantly, you do not want them to think negatively about you. It is this concern over the strength of the relationship and the love for which they bear that causes many secrets to be kept within a couple, or within business partners, or between colleagues.

We cannot be afraid of the truth, and we must take responsibility for the fact that we want the truth, which may not agree with our personal views or desires or hopes for the future. This is why many small businesses do not find themselves testing their employees for alcohol or drugs. There is an innate concern about the business relationship, the friendship, whether or not they will stay, and of course what they think about you for implementing these techniques.

Fortunately, the business does not have to grow very large before these fears are put to rest, and employee testing is brought in. To help you with these techniques, CMM Technology provides and supplies companies throughout Australia with Oraline saliva tests, Medix drug test kits, Lion Alcoblow breathalysers, and LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices.

Sales of Drug Testing Equipment

Alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia are striving to sell high quality drug tests and breathalyser devices with discounts and many other “benefits” which may or may not exist. However, CMM Technology devotes our company to the proper use, calibration and storage of high quality drug test and breathalysers, like our LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser, our Oraline saliva tests, and our Medixurine drug tests. This is our goal: to offer and provide the highest quality drug and alcohol testing equipment that we possibly can.

Sales of drug testing equipment fluctuate depending upon the need of the various clients, as well as the need of the market as a whole. In other words, it depends partly upon how much employee drug testing is being used on a regular basis. Fortunately for us, employee drug and alcohol screening is being used more and more over time, since it is such a scientifically valid way to evaluate and alter company protocol. After all, if you are not aware of which employees may be abusing substances in the workplace, then how can you help and aid your own company in business? You must be aware of your managers and employees and executives, and you must be able to be aware of them. This ability is given to you through the implementation of drug and alcohol testing on the jobsite.

Fortunately, drug and alcohol test prices are extremely reasonable at CMM Technology. We believe in keeping the cost of drug and alcohol testing as low as possible, while also maintaining high quality service. In other words, we believe in delivering value to the customer, while also maintaining that high quality standard that professional businesses expect out of their service and product suppliers.

At CMM Technology, we provide some of the best names in drug and alcohol testing equipment. We provide drug tests, such as Oraline saliva tests, and other drug tests, like MedixIntegrated pro-split cup urine tests. In addition to drug tests, we also carry breathalysers, such as Lion SD 400 and Lion SD 500 and LifeLoc FC10 hand held breathalyser devices.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Circumventing the Truth

The truth can be subjective, but more often than not many people choose subjectivity completely, and nobody is really actually speaking the truth. It is so easy to circumvent the truth. It is so simple to lie and step aside when truth is aimed at you. Easy deception is one of the many ways in which we communicate with each other and avoid conflict. It is such a fragile life that we all live, one in which clay and spirit and humanity come together and struggle for dominance, and one in which we are all supposed to find a purpose, when few of us realize that we create both our purpose and our method of fulfilling our purpose on this earth.

What about the truth? It too easily indicates what is really going on, and it too easily shows us how fragile our lives really are. Our fears drive us to crave stability and changelessness. However, it is in changelessness where danger truly lies. In order for the mind to win over the body, or the spirit to win over the clay, growth must occur. And this growth cannot occur when we so adamantly cling to the old and never inspect or discern about the new. It is in this environment of stagnation where addiction can feed.

In the professional world, you must be able to see things as they are, and not as you would like them to be. While many professionals can do just this, there are jobs and careers which allow an individual to disconnect from reality, and live in their own world. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. We all need our dream worlds. But we are responsible for the lives and welfare of others when we’re at work. Our actions really go a long way, whether we believe they do or not.

CMM Technology brings life back into business by being one of the successful alcohol and drug testing equipment suppliers in Australia. We carry everything from Medix drug tests and Oraline saliva tests to LifeLoc FC10 personal breathalyser devices. We love what we do and we’re really good at it.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Being Savvy on the Jobsite

Being savvy means that you are able to get everything accomplished that you wish to achieve and doing it with as limited resources as possible, living within your means, and frugally. This is a lifestyle that utilizes all possible mechanisms and resources, without indulging in waste or in shiftlessness. It is important to be savvy simply in order to have a high standard of living without having to work that much harder. This is the key to being business savvy, as well as savvy in home economics. Have we overused this word yet?

For some, being savvy equates to always watching the bottom line. However, if you only did that, then you would be irresponsible. The needs of your crew, the capabilities of the people who are working so hard for you, and the number of employees all have a very relevant place here. In addition to what you absolutely are able to squeeze out of people before they start quitting, there is the event of being ahead of time and under budget with your schedule. Unforeseen events DO occur, and planning ahead is so much better than finding yourself under-challenged and past your deadline.

Instead, being savvy should include being aware of many things, from how your employees are doing in their personal lives to Urine Drug Test prices. Even the cost of drug & alcohol testing and outside factors which can affect workflow should be important to you. In addition to that, being savvy means that you utilize this awareness, along with discretion and individual respect, to gain time as mentioned above. It means never allowing yourself to block out the truth. It means never giving yourself extra room in order to not deal in reality. It means never hiding your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Being savvy means being aware of your circumstances at all time, and facilitating the workflow by using this knowledge.

At CMM Technology, we pride ourselves on our own savvy ways, and the fact that we are able to bring Screening Tests in Western Australia to new heights. Check out our Medix equipment, our Oraline saliva drug tests, and our Lion SD 400 and 500 breathalysers.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Risk Management – WA Safety Show 2012

The West Australian Safety Show is being held in the Perth Convention Centre on August 7th through 9th, 2012. The WA Safety Show 2012 is dedicated to safety technology, safety laws and regulations, and educating individuals and businesses on safety services and laws and technology.

CMM Technology is once again attending this expo to showcase their new technology, products and services.

A key feature of attending a safety expo is to learn new ways of managing existing company practices and view new technology in the area of risk management. An of heard catchphrase used today, which has become the cornerstone of progressive moderncompanies is ‘continuous improvement’, and attending such events gives the busy professional a condensed view of new products & services in the marketplace allowing them to reassess their current practices and hopefully give them the tools to improve them.

Risk management is an area of business that is vital to all concerned, because safety procedures obviously assist in helping to guard against accidents, injuries, potential lawsuits and things which could be very costly to the company as a whole, and individual employees specifically.

Risk management recognises that problems will happenand that precautions should be taken to reduce the likelihood of these occurrences, as well as having steps already in place in order to train and practice what to do if one of these problems should occur.

Drug testing is one of these safety mechanisms. The cost of drug and alcohol testing does not have to be exorbitant. In fact, CMM Technology offers very reasonable pricesyet supply high quality drug and alcohol devices for your business. What does employee drug testing do for you? Well, for one thing, it protects your assets, both company assets and the investment of personal time and energy that you have put into your business.

Secondly, the use of drug and alcohol screening as a tool for continuous employee supervision is extremely valuable. As much as you may trust and rely upon each and every one of your employees, they are working for you because they have an affinity to be led, rather than being their own boss. By implementing a robust AOD policy that may include devices such as a saliva drug test like Oralinefor instance or an alcohol test by way of a hand held breathalyser such as the Lifeloc FC10, you are actually creating a safe, secure environment in which to work, not to mention the physical safety you are supporting by making sure that every employee is qualified to operate machinery and be around their coworkers without causing danger.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Planning for the Holidays

At any point during the year, there are holidays which are on the horizon and which are planned for by your company. Here are some tips for planning for the holidays, no matter when they might arise:

1. Look up company policy. At any time, you should be aware of your particular business’ drinking policy, partying policy, and any policies which may be in effect concerning inebriation, inappropriate behavior, and harder rule breaking, such as drug abuse or carrying of illicit drugs onto company property.

2. Schedule office/jobsite parties at least two weeks in advance. There is something mentally anarchistic about the sudden onset of makeshift, last minute parties, and this can lead to relaxation of company policy and obedience of the rules. This is not to say that you should be a stickler, but that you should plan ahead so that everyone knows what to expect.

3. Always be aware. This is a particularly appropriate rule for anyone who is afraid of being taken advantage of or of stepping too far over the line during bouts of inebriation. Awareness increases the likelihood that you will make your holiday celebrations poignant, enjoyable and fun, while also not making mistakes which you will regret down the road.

4. Plan post party activities. This is a two-fold rule. First, if you have something planned for after holiday parties, then you are less likely to engage in binge drinking or drug abusing. Second, if you are keeping the evenings and days after the party in mind, you are less likely to sink all of your celebration into just one event. The neediness may decrease.

5. Update your CMM equipment. The cost of drug and alcohol testing is cheap with us, and our drug tests and Alert J5 personal breathalyser are perfect for your regular and post-holiday drug and alcohol testing. Make sure you have plenty of testing equipment on reserve so that you do not have to wait to continue with your regular testing.

CMM Technology provides Oraline drug tests, Medix equipment and Alert J5 personal breathalyser devices for your company use. Call us today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.